Aggressive, Unhappy Posts Show Need for God's Love
May God soften the lost's hardened hearts.
Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley
May God soften the lost's hardened hearts.
Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley
shareThe lost must be prayed for.
Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley
The aggressive unhappy posts just make atheists look like miserable people. I don't see how they expect Christians to take them seriously on being "free from oppression" when their "freedom" seems to have made them miserable.
Writing is my favorite hobby. Writing something that many can enjoy is my favorite dream.
Men and women love the darkness more than the truth/light. The priesthood of believers must continue to pray for those who do not know the love that God has for them. Blessings. Joh 10:10
Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley
Dude shut the funk up. Atheists aren't miserable, they just complain about God and laugh at you on these forums because they know you're going to respond with some self-righteous bullfeces. It's called trolling, they're just posting to piss you off, and they're succeeding.
Peace, and may Allah be with you,
The Apple Man
I like movies
I'd say they are miserable. lol Trolls are miserable people. And they really aren't succeeding. Some people aren't pissed off at disagreement. lol
Writing is my favorite hobby. Writing something that many can enjoy is my favorite dream.
God has given us free will, and that is what ties us to each other. He gives us the power to have love, anger, and neutrality. It is up to humans to decide. And no matter how you try... Some of their opinions can not be changed. Even the Holy Lord Himself once said, "Not everyone can be saved."
I am thankful for those of us who have been saved.
Yeah. Not everyone should be saved, therefore you should be pretentious and self-righteous enough to assume that you are blessed and those who aren't like you simply "have their hearts hardened". The might be condemned to a place of eternal torture, but you don't really care about that, do you? Because actually coming up with an intelligent argument would just be too much to ask; it's much better to sit back in your comfort and proclaim your greatness to all those who haven't been chosen, in one way or another.
Congratulations, you fit the definition of a particular category of Christians who are the most vile, hypocritical, Pharisaical beings to ever dwell on this earth. If your God actually rewards that kind of behavior, he is a sadistic, backwards tyrant.
NOBODY knows if they will be saved until their time comes. You can hope and have faith that the path you are on is the "right" one, but the future is not ours to know. Just keep on loving anyway, the best way you know how!
shareYou are honestly tying to use the logic that "some opinions cannot be changed" while steadfastly clinging to your beliefs? I can at least admit to being open to evidence. If there is ever a reason to believe in god, or any supernatural claims for that matter, I will adjust my beliefs based on this new evidence. It is not I who cannot be swayed from my opinion.
Exactly what are you being saved from by the way? Do you believe people deserve eternal damnation for simply observing what they see and coming to a rational conclusion? That's sick stuff.
> God has given us free will, and that is what ties us to each other.
Except there's nothing in Bible really saying we have free will. There are some parts that suggest we might have it, but as most of Bible it's all ambiguous.
But there are lot of useful advises how to treat your slaves. That comes in handy to good Christians.
No, they just like pissing you off. Equally look at Bruce7. If you think he seriously believes half the *beep* he says, you are mistaken. He's a troll. A Christian troll. He tries to piss atheists off. Behind his back they scoff at how retarded he is. See it's never going to stop, that's why I don't participate in these ass-stupid arguments.
I like movies
Sure , anyone that disagrees with you must be angry or bitter or whatever. Justify your beliefs however you must.
shareNon-believers are the ones with hardened hearts?
The only hard hearts I've noticed here are you, completely vacant of any empathy.
May God soften the lost's hardened hearts.
Actually a healthy diet and regular exercise soften hardened hearts. God won't do anything because God doesn't exist.
shareIf we are grouping all Atheists together (not the only people that don't believe in a God by the way) then you should accept being grouped together with all other Christians, and there are plenty going about to be ashamed of.
I wish I could see the end of religion in my lifetime, but sadly stupidity and ignorance is apparently infinite. Pray for me all you like, but just remember "Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out of it alive."
(not the only people that don't believe in a God by the way)
I don't mean to be picky and rhetorical, especially because I generally agree with you. But I don't understand how you are defining atheist. You claim other people besides atheists don't believe in god, but by definition that would make them atheists?
And I am looking forward to the end of all people who embrace their own selfish, greedy, sinful, evil desires. Jesus Christ the only Way.
Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley
Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley
Well at this rate no-one is going to live happy or die happy. Can't we just give up on religion already and evolve? I am sure I am not the only one who would rather not waste another breath on something so inane and pointless at this stage of our existence.
And don't say then why bother posting, because if I just bent over and took all the religious poison in the world then future generations are going to have the same struggle forever against these delusional whiners and warmongers.
No one can ever be happy all the time. Happiness is an emotion. Emotions and feelings are dependent on one's circumstances and possessions. That's why we must seek God. He is the only One, the only thing, that can fill the void in our souls. Through repentance and seeking Jesus Christ, to fill the aching void, can we finally achieve inner peace and eternal life. The "whole banana." This isn't about religion, which is the human's way of trying vainly to reach up and touch God. It is about seeking God. Humans can not evolve, we are devolving. The Universe is devolving, deteriorating. Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No other. No other thing.
Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious,and don't call me Shirley
Aggressive, Unhappy Posts Show Need for God's Love
Right on your points. The depraved mind and heart does not want to give up their rule to a God they can not see or experience beyond the shadow of a doubt. Takes faith. When witnessing, the unbelievers often do not have a valid position they speak from. They just criticize. And unfortunately, too many Christians are of a divided mind. One foot in the church and one foot in the world. That's why everything is so messed up. God bless. Ps 29 Joh 14:6, 10:10 Heb 12:14
Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious,and don't call me Shirley
People are so hate filled because their life without God is life without true meaning. They lash out because they want everyone to feel as bad as they do, even if it's only on a subconscious level. Misery loves company or so they think. Instead, they should open their minds and their hearts would follow. They'd sleep better at night and their lives would be far more fulfilling than spending their time raging on the Internet.
shareLot of truth. They love their sin.
Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious,and don't call me Shirley
Those haters seem to love their ignorance more than anything else.
"Life goes by pretty fast. If you don't stop to look around once in a while, you could miss it."
As Hank Hanegraaff says, 'The problem is not a lack of Light(truth), it is rather the 'despising' of light."
Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious,and don't call me Shirley