It was okay

Game starts off alright, but after a few missions, the difficulty seems to amp up very quickly. I played on the easiest difficulty yet I was constantly low on health. Fortunately the checkpoint system places a person pretty close to where they were, but still. I chose easy for a reason, and it's not easy.

The music, sound effects, fantastic, and the atmosphere is captured fairly well.

The weapons are fun, but they do feel weak against the later enemies, even when upgraded substantially. Some enemies take -forever- to kill.

Would have loved this as a First-Person shooter.

Way too much walking and although the hold T for transport button is useful, but some of the navigation is confusing, but usually you can be safe choosing Cluster 13 or Arcology: Warrens.

Main story is way too short. The credits rolled up and I was like "What?! That's it?". Side quests have steep level requirements which makes one go on the main story to get leveled up, but then before you know it you're nearing the end of the game and you're still not max level to do some side quests without it being too difficult.

6/10 from me, but it doesn't come anywhere close to the fun I had in Cyberpunk 2077 despite some review sites saying this was the Cyberpunk game I wanted all along, because it's not. I won't replay this one, but I will check out a sequel for sure.

Pros -
Fans of dark Cyberpunk rejoice
Excellent graphics & ray tracing
Atmosphere is captured well done
Sound effects top notch
Music top notch
Transport system
Checkpoint system seems okay
Voice acting is okay

Cons -
Walking simulator, no sprint
Main Character is dead silent, sorry that doesn't work anymore for me in video games, especially ones like this where you want to feel involved with the world as much as possible.
Cinematics feel kinda cheap and some are hilariously short
Main story far too short, only one or two memorable characters
Some confusing navigation when say having to get from one side of the Arcology to the other
Weapons too weak at times
Health diminishes far too easy on Easy Difficulty
Swarms of enemies coming at you gets old pretty fast. Serious Sam except isometric view.
