The Key in the Elevator?

So are we expected to believe that for attempting to break in to a prison you are given a verbal warning in the warden's office?

This film is utterly, utterly ridiculous. The cops were following him at one point and then decided to give up just as he runs someone over armed in a bank car park and has a shoot out in a meth lab.



They had absolutely no proof it was him, and your comment gives way too much credit to government systems such as jails, etc. where bureaucracy, red tape and everyone's job overlapping other's, rules. There was no way to mass-arrest all those people or hold them for more than questioning. Lastly, what precedence is there for breaking INTO a prison vs. out of one?

That said, what I wondered is would they not bother to finger-print the key, or would the footprint be too small, smudged, etc?


I thought that but if you recall, he kicked the snapped-off 'hilt' of the ley away, and I think we must assume that either scuffed off any prints or they never found it. Suspension of disbelief.

Less credible is how he knew whuich key type he would need for the bump version - not sure mere observation would be enough to tell, since that wouldn't give the size accurately.

Great film though., a website for architecture and visual culture


Didn't he take an elevator key from a janitor closer and use that?

I couldn't tell what building he was in when he did that though. Maybe it was just assumed that any key specific to an elevator would work as a bump key?

Also, I'm really curious as to if the bump key would work. Really tempted to try to make one and see.

Last question - what's with the tennis ball thing? I remember seeing him burn the hole through it, but I'm wondering what else he did to it to make it open the van door?


He noticed that the elevator in his school was the same type as the ones used in the jail so he took a key from his school that was made for those types of elevators. However what he was going to do if the key worked?? I have no idea.

There was a video going around on youtube that if you cut a hole in a tennis ball and place the hole over the lock in a car you could squish the tennis ball and use the air pressure to pop the lock up. There is no way this would actually work in a million years though. The inside of the car door would have to be air tight with the lock being the only way for air to escape.


They didn't know it was him with the key. They were grilling everyone who'd been in the queue the same way, to see if someone caved.

...then whoa, differences...
