more realisic then you thought.....
Now these days it seems the setup of this movie is more realistic than you thought...
Now these days it seems the setup of this movie is more realistic than you thought...
You know, the news of recent days (Benedict XVI resigning), reminded me of this picture also.
Here's my reaction. I'd be honoured your readership:
Thank you for that frank and sensitive assessment of both the film and its connection to the issues facing today's Catholic church (including the situation with Pope Benedict). I found the same depth of insight in this film that you did. This film, in its main character's reaction to the realization of his election and what it would mean to himself and to the world, reinforces for me the humanity of the priesthood. As a result, I understand even more fully the resignation of Pope Benedict.
I, for one, would rather believe that "God might choose a reluctant man . . . perhaps because such a man would have the strength and courage to voice his own faults and inadequacies," rather than believe that God would choose a man who would use the papacy as a political tool for personal gain or personal power.
Thank you for the kind words.
I am glad you also perceived a depth in insight in the film. I was surprised when I read a review --- one by a fellow named Grey-something --- which perceived a lack of depth here.
I think the movie has weaknesses, but not so much when it comes to its presentation of faith. I found Melville rather remarkable really.
I am NOT roman catholic, but I am 'born again' Christian.
I think this movie had some good things about it, mostly the scenery in Italy. I lived in Italy in the early to mid 60s and liked looking at the scenes to see what if anything had changed. I like the actors too, probably many of them hadn't had a role in decades, so good for them!
What I didn't like was the way the Cardinals (and nuns) were portrayed, many of whom were shown as far too 'human' and simplistic. I have read everything ever written by every pope in the last 60 years. Well, who knows, maybe they 'write' their books as much as James Patterson 'writes' his novels. Since I worked in publishing for a long time, I categorically state that Mr. Patterson doesn't write his books, he hires other writers to write them for him. FACT.
But anyway, my point is that every Pope since I was a kid has proven to me to be very intelligent, AND 'born again'.
The idea that the elected Pope wouldn't accept his role, yet supposedly believed that God had picked him for that role, well, it is the kind of thing an atheist without knowledge of the Real God might write for his character in a screenplay or book. It is highly unlikely to happen in real life.
By the time one is a Cardinal one is likely to be well known enough by that 'inner circle' of other Cardinals that they would not pick him for Pope if he wouldn't make a good pope or if God wasn't nudging them to do so. (Again, I'm not a catholic, I'm speaking naively, about how God might 'talk' to his Cardinals, or not. I only know that I have a deep, close relationship with God and He speaks to me all the time, not in words, but in 'imbued' ways. Constantly. Always 'there' with me. I imagine it is exactly that way with Cardinals particularly when they are separated from their flocks and electing a new Pope.
So the movie was good from the sense that it showed Rome. The move was bad from the sense that it was just another 'agenda movie' by a 'hollywood type' (albeit whatever is the equivalent of that in Italy.)
I would not recommend it, at all.
Life is a journey not a destination. Fear nothing.
Hi "viweed",
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. There is a good deal you say in your post so forgive me if I focus on the portion that is particularly to my interest.
My interest surrounds the lack of depth perceived in Melville. I think an argument could be made --- and I attempt to voice that argument here ( ] --- that rather than Habemus Papam lacking a depth of faith, something rather profound is communicated.
I would be honored by your reflection on what I have written (particularly the latter half of my reaction) as well as any subsequent conversation you feel is necessary.
I've been blogging since January and still haven't motivated a comment. :)
Wait, you think James Patterson does not write his novels? Do you find many novelists who do this?