Great Movie

The movie is available on streaming services if you're interested.

I never knew it's background and just went in cold based on the short description our cable service provided.

What I found interesting was that after I saw it and looked it up, I was seeing it labelled as Christian and right wing.

It's a horror/thriller movie with a character who may or may not be a demon. If this gets labelled as Christian, then I guess that makes the Exorcist and every other film that has demons or possible demons Christian as well.

As for the right wing bit, there's a small section with Glenn Beck, who I never heard of before, he's some commentator but his role was just asking questions on a talk show - so I guess if some left wing commentator shows up in a movie, that movie is left wing? Weird.

The movie reminded me of the excellent movie with Jeff Goldblum called Mr. Frost and if you liked that one, you'll probably like this one as well.


I have an eye on this one. I may check it out at some point.

The reviews are VERY divisive. Some think it's great whilst others think it's awful. Hhhmmm...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


As background, I'm not religious and just enjoy an entertaining movie (although I do watch Hallmark movies so, uhm, yeah).

There's one scene that probably offended the people with blue hair but if you're talking about evil, whether it's human or otherworldly, there's no denying that scene creates a reaction.


It's better than some low quality horror films, but I wouldn't call it great. I'd equate it to a Twilight Zone or a simple short story. Kept my interest. 6/10


I loved it too. The acting was amazing. I hope the Oscars don’t diss this movie….


Yes, Flanery, especially, deserves an Oscar. His performance was absolutely amazing, definitely Oscar worthy!


I thought that it was a fairly amateur production but it still managed to be entertaining. I saw it at the theater.


I second that this is a great movie. The only thing i didnt like is the ending being too clear on the fact that its demons and not open to interpretation.

Glenn Beck? Is that who that was? I dont watch those late night shows.
