MovieChat Forums > Monsters University (2013) Discussion > IMO the movie seemed overly long

IMO the movie seemed overly long

Ending it at them winning the Scare Championships (and maybe a little more) would have been great.

By the time they were running around in the "human world", I felt like the movie had overstayed its welcome.

Anyone else felt the same? I really loved the movie up to the cabin part.


I don't agree with that.. I thought it was nice to see that they won by cheating (because it did annoy me that he got a record breaking scream for doing something pretty normal).. Perhaps he could have done something a bit more clever in that scene like he did with the police and that would have made more sense but i thought it was nice that we got to see them breaking the rules and doing it their own way.


I have to disagree too :/ I was surprised how much the movie constantly kept my full interest! Like fairy_depp said, Mike's winning scare did not seem worth that score, I would've been SO angry if they left it like that (but I knew they wouldn't because Pixar creators are fkn perfect lol). I liked the human scene and LOVED Hardscrabble's reaction! The movie wouldn't have been the same if not for beyond the 'Scare Games'.


Exactly andraniki.. I know it's not a true-to-life story but I would have found it so irritating if they fobbed us off with that being a real record winning scream!
