MovieChat Forums > Monsters University (2013) Discussion > If they believed that human toys were to...

If they believed that human toys were toxic...

When Mike and Sulley was trapped in the human world, Mike came up with a plan to scare the adults. But they had to set up, such as winding the doll, and pulling the fishing rod around to entangle them. At the time they still belived it was toxic to them how were they able to set up?


Ah, now THAT is the plot hole! Everyone has gone on about Mike's statement about meeting Sulley in the fourth grade and overlooks THIS! Mike had no qualms about handling things that human children and adults had touched and used, such as the phonograph, the doll and the aforementioned fishing rod. Come to think of it, though, what is there in a child's room that a child has NOT touched or come into contact with, including the floor and the doorknob to the closet? Monsters are instructed to close the closet door behind them so as not to let in a child, but have to turn the doorknob to reopen it to get back to their world, and how many times has that child turned that same doorknob, with their germy little hands? How many times has the child trodden barefooted across that very floor? Logically, that argument that anything a child has touched or had physical contact with is toxic just does not hold up, and I'm surprised that enough monsters had not already come forward to challenge that. The fact that it was still widely believed is a testimony to the lengths that their governments went through to maintain that Big Lie, to justify exploiting human children, even if there was more than a grain of truth to the risk posed by humans; it just didn't come from children being toxic, but more from what adult humans would do if they discovered the existence of the Monster World and figured out how to breach it.



Is it possible that when they came back into the room they first found some gloves or something from the adults that they used to handle the toys? They also seemed to be able to survive the toxic challenge so perhaps they do have the ability to heal? Perhaps the toys and clothes are enough to make them sick or weaker but it is the actual kids touch that could kill? At least in their minds?

I think it is enough to be able to suspend disbelief.

Come visit my


Nope, no gloves. We would have seen Mike, at least, with gloves on if that had been the case, and besides, any gloves in that room would have ALSO been touched by humans. Prior to the Toxicity Challenge, Claire emphasized that the Stinging Glow Urchins, while able to inflict a painful sting, were NOT as toxic as human children or the things those children have touched, but were the closest thing that the organizers could come up with. It was also repeated that "just one touch from a human child can KILL you", not "hurt" you, not "cause temporary pain", but KILL. As in "dead and DONE", as in "you're not going to get over THIS".
The thing is, it wasn't true, not even a little bit. It was all a Big Lie perpetrated by the powers-that-be to justify exploiting human children, night after night, by reducing them to the status of animals. Most of the denizens of the Monster World, given their very limited contact with humans, had no way to know any better. It might have also served to prevent any monsters from getting too curious about those distant relatives(yes, the monsters are descended from HUMANS)on the other side of the portal and trying to go on a little exploration adventure of their own. Humans DO pose a risk, a big one, but it's not from being toxic, not directly, anyway. There is that risk of diseases-bacteria and viruses carried by humans to which the monsters have no immunity, having evolved separately for the past 100,000 years, but the even bigger risk is of adult humans discovering the existence of monsters and their universe, and gaining access to it. I cannot imagine that would go in the monsters' favor at all, given our history with our own species.



I agree it was a big lie. I just think that the two of them was scared of it being toxic but either touched it quickly, or found another way so they felt safe to touch it without finding out the big lie.

Come visit my


They might have thought the risk of toxicity was less than the risk of being trapped - but that does not explain how do they still think that all the toys etc are toxic in the future? They handled them in the past.

Have you heard the Black Death theory BTW? It goes that since the monsters have done this for a long time, they still remember - in myth at least - the plague. So all things that could harbour fleas would be seen as toxic, since fleas used to carry the plague bacteria - children, their clothes, bedclothes and soft toys, but NOT floors, doorknobs or other such things.


While it is reasonable to infer that the monsters would be susceptible to human pathogens, those bacteria and viruses can live on many different surfaces. They would NOT recall the Black Death because they'd long since departed the Human World. According to an extra on the original Monsters, Inc. DVD, called "The History of the Monster World", the ancestors of the monsters were humans, who were shunned for looking different, and were kicked out of prehistoric villages, put on rafts and boats, and wound up drifting through an apparent "worm-hole" connecting the two parallel universes, to another version of planet Earth, some 100,000 years ago. That would have been long before the Bubonic Plague struck most of Europe and the Middle East. It would have even been before most of the remaining humans here were wiped out by some massive global catastrophe around 75,000 years ago, leaving just about 1,000-3,000 of us to carry on the entire species. The monsters believe that even a single brief touch from a human child means instant death, but of course that's not true, and probably most in their governments know it. Knowledge is power, and if you know something that the general populace does not know, it makes it easier to control the general populace. There is actually a mention of when the monsters accidentally discovered how to access the Human World once again, but it was after the Black Plague.



The way I understood was that anything a child touched was toxic so maybe they had some laying around that had never been touched by a child


I think people are overthinking this. Mike and Sully were trapped with no way back home. They were desperate enough to risk "contamination" if it meant getting back home. Keep in mind that they were immediately hauled off by monsters in hazmat suits. It's reasonable to assume that they were decontaminated and quarantined. Maybe they just assumed that the "toxins" or whatever it is that supposedly makes children so dangerous weren't given enough time to do any real harm.

But yes, the whole "children are toxic" line is one big lie. That was one of the key plot points of Monsters, Inc.


Who cares,it's a cartoon.Get a life! My nephew loves the movie. The movie that is meant for kids.

Why, they told me to take a streetcar named Desire...


God I hate this ridiculous attitude..."if it's animated, it's just for kids". "It's JUST a cartoon, so it can't be taken seriously". "If it's animated and wasn't made in Japan, it's just stupid and intelligent people shouldn't be discussing it". What's really idiotic is that if someone made the EXACT same movie, but live-action, with the human actors playing the roles they voiced in the animated version, but everything else the same-same dialog, same script, etc. I bet not ONE person would complain about people "overthinking" the movie or discussing it, as if the medium the story was presented in made a difference as to whether it was "meant for kids" or a "grown-up movie".

One of my favorite quotes from the late Walt Disney was a response to a reporter at the opening for Bambi. When asked if he really thought it was appropriate to put such intense scenes, as the forest fire and the scene where Bambi's mother is shot in a movie made for children, Mr. Disney replied, "I do not make movies for children. I make movies for EVERYONE". No wonder Monsters University did so well in Japan; the Japanese aren't shackled by that horribly immature attitude that only children should watch or enjoy animation or that the only movies for adults must be live-action only.



Wow, you really over think things. I didn't say the only people who watch cartoons are children, I said you have to consider the fact it's a movie "aimed" at children; and is supposed to be watched for fun. Not analyzed from start to finish.

I personally love animated films, and watch them all the time.

When Mike and Sully come out of the chilren's camp room, they are immediately taken away by the CDA to be decontaminated.

Get over it and move on with life.

Why, they told me to take a streetcar named Desire...


While we're talking about plot holes I would like to bring up the Abominable Snow man. He clearly didn't recognize Mike and Sully in Monsters inc. yet according to this movie they worked closely together how could he forget the? Unless when you are banished they wipe your memory and Mike and Sully not wanting to ruin it pretended not to know him.

Same thing we do every night try to take over the world


In MI, they pretty much tried to show that the Abominable Snowman had slowly gone insane from the isolation of being banished, his mind having deteriorated over time. He himself stated that banishment caused monsters(those who survived, that is)to go insane, being forced to live like animals, so he'd probably forgotten them(Mike and Sulley) completely or wasn't really able to "place" them.



Anyone watched the first Monster's INC....this toxic theory has been debunked.

Marvel vs DC....who cares!!!!


You have to realize that MI took place 9-10 years AFTER the events of MU, so at the time MU was made, it was still widely believed that human children were no more than toxic, but useful, animals. Even at the end of MI, though, there was no indication that the monsters as a society had stopped believing that human children were toxic. Mike and Sulley knew that, sure, BUT, as per Roz's orders, "none of this EVER happened". With the exception of having discovered that Laugh energy is more powerful than Scream, it's business as usual. They can't TELL anyone that they've discovered human children are not toxic because that would mean admitting that they'd had physical contact with a human child, which was still highly illegal.



What was Roz anyway? Makes you wonder if she hasn't some hidden agenda as well.


She works for a secretive government bureaucracy, so of COURSE she has a hidden agenda! The parallels between the CDA and our own NSA/Dept.of Homeland Security are downright disturbing, and there were people who took notice of this way back in 2001, when MI first came out and the DHS was first created. Roz has no qualms hiding the truth when it's in her best interest, and the government's best interest, to keep it hidden. Now, they have a CEO in charge of one of the largest if not THE largest utilities corporations, and they have "dirt" on this guy that would be devastating to him should it get out in public, and you can guarantee the CDA is going to play that hand to the best of their advantage.



I mean, she/he was pretty much indifferent to Boo. Like if she didn't care for her despite it was not her fault. So would that agenda be something personal or something from the higher ups?

Yeah, I now see how such organizations are scarier than monsters.

Guess there really are people who act worse than 12 year olds.
