Nope, no gloves. We would have seen Mike, at least, with gloves on if that had been the case, and besides, any gloves in that room would have ALSO been touched by humans. Prior to the Toxicity Challenge, Claire emphasized that the Stinging Glow Urchins, while able to inflict a painful sting, were NOT as toxic as human children or the things those children have touched, but were the closest thing that the organizers could come up with. It was also repeated that "just one touch from a human child can KILL you", not "hurt" you, not "cause temporary pain", but KILL. As in "dead and DONE", as in "you're not going to get over THIS".
The thing is, it wasn't true, not even a little bit. It was all a Big Lie perpetrated by the powers-that-be to justify exploiting human children, night after night, by reducing them to the status of animals. Most of the denizens of the Monster World, given their very limited contact with humans, had no way to know any better. It might have also served to prevent any monsters from getting too curious about those distant relatives(yes, the monsters are descended from HUMANS)on the other side of the portal and trying to go on a little exploration adventure of their own. Humans DO pose a risk, a big one, but it's not from being toxic, not directly, anyway. There is that risk of diseases-bacteria and viruses carried by humans to which the monsters have no immunity, having evolved separately for the past 100,000 years, but the even bigger risk is of adult humans discovering the existence of monsters and their universe, and gaining access to it. I cannot imagine that would go in the monsters' favor at all, given our history with our own species.