Why did Hardscabble

Why did Hardscrabble tell Mike he had to leave the university if he lost the competition? I can understand how one could argument that Mike wasn't fit to be a scarer if he lost the competition, ergo I think it was reasonable to banish him from the scaring major if he lost the competition, but why keep him from majoring in designing scream cans? Or any other major? That's just bullying.


She probably figured that he would not be doing well in that boring can designing class and it is very possible he was getting a low mark in the class anyway due to focusing on the Scare Games. Its to represent that he has no other path to go to at the university and she probably wanted to prevent him from trying anything new to get back into the scare program.Like it or not this is what it is like in real life sometimes and Pixar was just trying to be vivid, and honest

