So this will be unique

Its an action adventure wrestling movie. Is Hulk, and Nash playing them self or is another actor going to play them? I bet by the end, the NWO teams up with the Avengers to take on a greater enemy. I can see Mr McMahon as the big villain in all this


Vince would fit in with the Masters of Evil.


Sadly Hall has passed, who will play him?


They can explain how Hall was killed offscreen before the events of this movie


That never ends up being a good creative decision.

Maybe have a twist and bring in NWO Wolfpack Sting or The Nature Boy.


Either way, I am looking forward to seeing the 1st ever superhero wrestling movie


Lol I can't say the same.


So it appears that the NWO was too much for Marvel to handle so they changed the name lol. I heard that Hogan gave the big boot to a Marvel executive and then Nash powerbombed the guy through a table. Because there is only one NWO 4 Life!
