Why is Pooh performing so poorly EVERYWHERE?
So Winnie the Pooh looks to make only $8 million this weekend (http://www.deadline.com/2011/07/final-harry-potter-already-wrecking-re cords/).
Normally, I'm one of the first to blame the studio. But not this time. Disney was expecting about $13 million. And you know, that seemed fair, with it going up against Harry Potter. But even that was an overestimation. I mean, a measly $8 million means, even if Potter hadn't been around, Pooh still would have performed poorly - as it did in other countries earlier this year.
So marketing was to blame, right? No, I don't think so. Not this time. The trailer made it clear that Winnie the Pooh was not only for kids but also the adults who grew up with him. And honestly, there's never been a series of TV commercials to give me chills as much as those for Pooh (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSoGRN3s-3g). Plus, let's not forget the Pooh ads spoofing Potter.
So it was the reviews, right? Definitely not. Winnie the Pooh is one of the best-reviewed films of the year.
With all this in mind, can someone please explain to me what in the world went wrong? Why aren't more people seeing Winnie the Pooh?