Getaway -- I'm w/ Laurie
If I want to get away, it sure isn't into the woods in the dead of winter. That's the dumbest idea. I want to be somewhere warm near water.
shareIf I want to get away, it sure isn't into the woods in the dead of winter. That's the dumbest idea. I want to be somewhere warm near water.
shareWhat really creeped me out was when the sharks asked about safety and they said there's a "property manager" always around and that the people wouldn't know he's there.... but he's always there. I imagine a lot of couples would want to make romantic weekends out of this and I can just picture a creepy grizzled woodsman leering at them from outside through those big windows. Ewwwww! No thanks, I'll just stay at a nice lodge or a hotel.
sharei just thought it was a dumb idea period. i love camping but not in some no name woods, i want to go to yosemite or somewhere awesome and for $100 a night, i could rent an RV, or cabin or something (but i'm cheap so i usually camp)
i can't think why anyone would invest $0.01 in this idea
My problem is that those "cabins" looked really flimsy. What if a bear or some other animal came wandering along and wanted to bust in? You are dead. Or some bum or burglar. It did not look secure at all. Plus, like Kevin said, no way in hell that cheap ply wood and plastic would survive a Boston winter.
Then the guys said something about having a security guard on hand to watch the thing -- which they seemingly pulled out of their ass once they got called on the major flaw. Its a dead business.
^^ Like a Mobile home park?
shareWhat I thought was dumb was them calling it the anti twitter. No having common sense to put the phone down is the anti social media. Finding other ways to entertain yourself is a better way.
Those cabins look like they have no heat.
Since they were promoting it as a getaway from people. What is stopping someone from ordering one doing crimes in the cabin and leaving? Only one dumb property manager so they say.
But who cares what you want? The point of being an investor was do enough people want something to make a good profit. The "well I wouldn't want to be in the woods so I can't invest in something that could make money if I wouldn't personally do it" is just a terrible business strategy. The cabin never said it was "for winter use only." I imagine MOST use would be in any other season other than winter. Some people do like going camping, believe it or not. Just because YOU want to go to the beach doesn't mean they should just go shut down their business.
Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.
I would agree that there are people who like camping in the woods. But, would that type of person really want a mini house? I mean, I thought the whole point of camping was to rough it. I mean, I see it as either you're the type of person who wants to rough it completely and just pitch a tent in the woods or you want a cabin with all the amenities. I don't see any in between where you want to rough it enough that you don't want a cabin but you don't want to rough it that much that you just want a tent in the woods. You either want it rough or you don't. Personally, I would prefer a cabin and I would find no joy in renting a tiny house.
shareNot all humans like sweaty hot ass weather. That's more for reptiles.
shareThe whole thing is a massive lawsuit waiting to happen.
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