Tranquilo and Daymond

Daymond is about being decisive. He doesn't want someone to partner with who can't decide immediately what they want.
It's a great product. But here's my question. Some moms use sound machines to quiet baby. What's the difference between a sound machine and this vibrating mat?


What's the difference between a sound machine and this vibrating mat?

Well, if I invested in it, I'd hope that the difference would be that the vibrating mat worked. Although we had one for our baby 8 years ago and it didn't work at all, so I'm quite skeptical.

Death to shakeycam directors!


So -- the vibrating mat is not a new item? Could it be she picked up the patent? I don't recall anyone asking her about the patent.


They did ask her about a patent, and she does have one.


We had one of these

Built-in, 2-speed vibration helps soothe baby while resting in the cozy infant seat or playing in the bouncer

I'm not sure what her patent is on, but it's not vibrating surfaces in general. Probably the form factor. Hers is flexible like a blanket.

Death to shakeycam directors!


I guess no one really paid attention  - she said her patent was on the placement of the motors, so that the vibration is spread evenly throughout the mat.


Daymond offered her licensing, which would have been a good move. But she chose otherwise.
