I thought those play mats for kids that were more "classy" than regular ones were a stupid idea. Parents buy those things for their kids, not themselves. It doesn't matter which one the parent thinks looks nice, it matters which one the kid thinks looks nicer. I don't think any kid is going to like those "sophisticated" designs more than the cheaper, more colorful ones.
I can see its merits as an exercise mat, however, if it's the same thickness and springiness as the multi-color ones. And you can disassemble it and put it away if you need to clear the floor when you have guests or something. Can definitely see how it could be useful.
My opinion: the mats were a fine idea. Kids are largely using them at a point where their color preferences don't matter anyway, as they're pretty immobile.
The problem was that, absent a novel way to print designs on the mats, they had nothing the bigger players couldn't instantly copy and destroy their business with.
Heads: people like it and they get crushed by better-positioned competitors. tails: people don't like their high cost, and they fail
Basically all she did was take something that already exists, make it prettier with no kind of patent and that was it. They would have been idiots to partner with her. There was no business there.
The bigger and more established giants just have to make prettier designs and that is it.
If I remember right she didn't even thank any of the 'sharks' for their time and consideration, just turned away and walked out. I'm sure that has happened before (haven't watched this all that much) but she's the first one I remember acting that way.
In doing so she just confirmed that they made the right decision. Who else would want to partner up with her on her idea after seeing that?
OMG, I noticed that! I think in all the time I've been watching Shark Tank (about two years now, plus some reruns), she was literally the only presenter to ever do that!
I was surprised none of the sharks commented on it.