MovieChat Forums > Spartacus (2010) Discussion > Prettiest woman and hottest man in the s...

Prettiest woman and hottest man in the series.

My wife and I both agreed that Kore was the prettiest. I didn't comment on the men, but the wife made it clear her affection for Crixus. As long as she doesn't call me that name in a love session I have no issues. LOL

The Almighty says "don't change the subject, just answer the fuggin question."


Mira is my #1 choice

Illythia is the sexiest

Naevia 1 was the most natural beautiful.

Hard choices one was shabby.


I'd have to go with Mira in Vengeance as sexiest woman and Agron in WotD for sexiest man.


Call it personal taste, but I'd have to go w/ Canthara from east of the Nile. She was hot! Pity her life was ended by that little prick Tiberius.


All the ladies were hot in the series, but if had to pick one first. I would pick Mira-Katrina Law-She looks so natural. Kore was favorite of mine too, I loved her eyes. I like Melitta a lot, but the actress who played Melitta looks like she plastic surgery on her lips and face,


The Laura Surrich slave girl
Never really did pay enough attention to the guys though.
