All Penis No Vagina
It's good to see other people sick to their back teeth of this politically correct, gay, feminist, liberal situation in hollyweird. Keep complaining on this site and others but that's not enough. If you live in America (I'm in Britain) telephone the companies that keep committing these crimes against men and demand to know why they do so and why they refuse to show women's vulvas when they frequently and graphically show penises. Also email them and facebook message, comment, and post on every writer, director and actor who appears in these movies. Write out what you want to say and simply copy and paste it. You don't have to worry about any angry replies, I facebook messaged, commented, and posted on everyone in Spartacus and spy and had only two replies: one from a sympathetic man, the other from a feminist women who I quickly put in her place with another message. She didn't reply. CONTACT these criminals! DO NOT just complain on this site and others, CONTACT the movie companies, writers, actors, directors and demand an explanation of why they keep showing penises BUT NEVER a vulva! Also, DO NOT go to the cinema to watch a movie with a penis in but not a vulva nor buy the DVD. If you do that you'll be putting money into the pockets of those man hating criminals. TAKE ACTION NOW and contact in every way you can these hideous politically correct, gay, feminist, liberal creatures and end this horrible situation!