I understand what you're saying that discussing viewership, ratings of the documentary would provide a lot of material, but I'm not sure that's the way I would go.
I would make the kids actual characters. As someone else said, Alex just comments on everyone else. She's never really had her own story lines. I know she's supposed to be an unpopular, smart kid but we know she has friends. They could've introduced some story lines with her and her friends long before now.
I've thought for a while now that they should have Alex and Haley move in together. There's a lot of material they could use there with those two trying to be self-sufficient and do things on their own. They could have friends over, learn to get along better and help each other grow as people - Alex be more social and Haley be more intelligent.
Give Luke a life of his own. For too long the kids have just existed for the sake of the family story lines. If they opened up the world and introduced characters that the kids could be friends with that gives more material for stories.
Bring Gloria back to being a three dimensional character instead of a caricature.
Figure out what to do with Manny. Him being a grown up in a 9 year old's body may have been humorous and worked in the first couple of seasons but it makes no sense now.
As it is, the characters all seem to be just running in place.