MovieChat Forums > The Dr. Oz Show (2009) Discussion > Cowboy going vegan for 28 days

Cowboy going vegan for 28 days

I watched this episode yesterday, with the meat-eating, fast-food eating cowboy who decided to go vegan for 28 days. I must say I was very impressed with him and his results, and this really got me thinking.

Personally, I don't think I could ever give up meat all together, but I'm considering challenging myself to 1 WEEK of following a vegetarian (not vegan) diet. I just want to see if it's something I could do for this short time. After that, I'll probably still eat meat, but maybe only a few times a week, instead of every day.

This was an inspiring show to me.


I loved the Cowboy guy too. I was so worried about him with how his heart was clogged. He really commited to a new lifestyle and in only 28 days he lost inches, weight and his A1C went down over 10 points. That's amazing! He's on his way to a healthy body and I couldn't be prouder of him. He made me cry. RIP MJ from San Diego


I saw that show it was great. I watched Dr oz everyday and there are so many inspirational stories. I kept saying I want to be healthy too! Two weeks ago I found the brand new blood pressure machine I had used about a month last year. I sat down took my blood pressure it was 198 over 114. I felt fine but I am overweight and probably like Cowboy Rocco was diabetic. The next day it was 200 and I got kinda scared and said this is it. No salt to sugar and go to the doctor but since it was really high I knew I needed to go to the hospital. The next day I went cold turkey in eliminatind salt from my diet and didn't eat anything but healthy food that day. I never left the house even though I got up to go to the doctor that morning. Tues morning bp 201/119. I went to the hospital & they wanted to keep me. I laid in the ER about 5 hours and it dropped steadily the whole time I was there so they sent me home because it was down to 140/75 with a prescription for blood pressure medicine and I made an appointment to see my primary care doctor but I am doctor phobic big time.

I also went to the store bought a lot of everything that's healthy.Fruits, veggies,fish,kale,nuts,extra virgin olive oil,lemon to put in the water I drink. Red bell peppers,yellow squash,avocados,mushrooms,blueberries etc. This is someone whose main diet was salty snacks & candy bars. I didn't even need meat as long as I had my snacks. But from the first day I was fine. I like being able to eat to fill myself up but not worry that it's fat,salt & sugar. I take the bp medicine. I do exercise every day and I like the videos I find on youtube about eating raw foods and just healthy period. It's been 10 days and I don't miss anything. I don't feel denied. Fruits are my desserts. Nuts & seeds are all in my salads and snack packs. But not too much. Stuff I never thought I'd like actually taste good. I think it finally sunk in when I realized I was no longer enjoying even my favorite foods.I felt tired all the time and I was always hungry. Even when I was full I wanted to eat. Empty calories!!! The weight loss is a bonus but the best results are :

I'm in a great mood all day.

I sleep better at night and don't get sleepy all thru the day.

I'm enjoying tasks I used to hate doing including grocery shopping.

I stopped craving salt & sugar after the 3rd day.

I found breathing exerces on youtube to lower BP.I'm breathing 1000% better.

Mt stomach fat just started disappearing even before I did one exercise!!!!

I love Dr Oz and find the success stories like Cowboy Rocco's so inspiring. I don't think I would have been motivated or scared healthy if not for this show.


Congratulations! I hope you keep it up!! :)

Queen Bee


Way to go Mojo! You can do it!
