Warning about drug interactions
I really like Dr Oz, but I am often very concerned about all the supplements he recommends without providing any crucial information or warnings about potentially dangerous drug interactions or side effects. Please don't take any supplements without checking them out first. If you are taking any prescription drugs or have special health concerns, please be sure to talk to your doctor before taking them.
Today he recommended 5-HTP (5 Hydroxy-Tryptophan)for insomnia, without even mentioning that there are many people who should never take it. It interacts with many commonly used medications such as antidepressants, sleep medications, and cough medicine, and it has been associated with some serious side effects and disorders.
He also recommended white willow bark for herniated disks. It's a silly recommendation as it's no more effective than aspirin, but it shouldn't be taken along with aspirin, ibuprofen or any other pain killers or blood thinners.
Has anyone noticed any other questionable recommendations you can warn us about?