MovieChat Forums > The Dr. Oz Show (2009) Discussion > The Long Island Medium? Really???

The Long Island Medium? Really???

I can't believe Dr. Oz would sink to this level. Bringing on some trashy Long Island hack claiming to be able to contact "the dead" and writing down little scribbles as she challenges "the dead." I thought I was watching Montel Williams and Sylvia Brown. What utter tripe. What utter bolderdash. How could Dr. Oz sit there with a straight face and literally say, "I'm really intrigued by this."? Doesn't this guy have any say on what segments get produced on his own show? Doesn't he value his credibilty as a physician and man of science? I mean, yes, the "you're too fat America" mantra gets a bit old and repetitive, but supernatural tangents are not going to bring in more viewers. If anything, it will alienate them.


Well he did have Paula Abdul on his show yesterday so yes...he did sink even lower. It's unfortunate because his show showed good promise when it started back in 2009. It has been all downhill since then. He jumped the shark for me when he had John Edward (Crossing over) on his show a year or so back.


Really? He brought that schmuck on his show? I had no idea. This show will not last many more seasons.


The more I watch this show, the more he seems like a quack to me. Fair enough?


I agree with you guys but at least he said skeptics say it's just a "cold reading."

He should've had a guest on from the Skeptics Society or something to challenge this bozo medium who is just a quack!


He is a quack. The quack of all quacks.


If Oz is a quack then how bad is the medium??


I don't/haven't heard much about John Edwards or the Long Island Medium but god I HATE sylvia browne. One of my friends is obsessed with her. I don't get why so many dumb asses loooove these psychics. They're fake. Sylvia even charges HUNDREDS for a reading. Please I can go find a good psychic for $10 *rolls eyes*


Dr.Oz never had Sylvia Browne on and I doubt he ever would!


No. But guess what? I just saw a trailer for an upcoming episode featuring a man who will hypnotize the auidence into believing they have had weight loss surgery. I am not kidding. Maybe he can draw little scars on their bellies!



Mike, I agree that's hard to believe but there are some studies where hypnosis does work. If he has studies to back where some patients have actually had weight loss after hypnosis that's one thing.

It's a lot better than a stupid medium who talks to the dead which you KNOW is 100% bullcrap!!


That might be possible during a one-on-one session. But I'm not buying live hypnosis before a studio audience.


Oz had on the Long Island medium again. I cannot believe he caters to that crap. He's sitting there eagerly listening to her talk about the "other world" and pretending (at least I hope) to give a crap.

