Actually, if he had producers who really understood medicine (megafauna, i'm inclined to agree w/ you but... ;-) it wouldn't be that hard. First, reduce the show to half an hour. If they don't want to do that, then how about spending a good segment of the show following up on all the people he's put on diets? Remember, how early in the show's history he had lots of people in the "truth tube" and revealing their weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, and having them change their lifestyle? Where are they now?
As for the medical component of the show, he tends to talk down to the audience (someone on this board said it better than I, about how it's all staged?) anway, he ought to spend more time on presenting the medical problem and explaining it. Those animations (you can get them to do anything, really) can be replaced w/ real x rays or slides or CT scans, etc.
I'm just twisted that he's a combination of simplistic AND pedantic, and together, it's low rent tv.