help with an episode?


Someone told me that there was an episode of the Dr. Oz show that dealt with 'loss' and 'mourning' recently and apparently there was a specific component regarding finding pennies. Can anyone help me out with which episode? I want to show it to my mom (for whom I suspect it will be helpful! )

Thanks SO much in advance!


HA! That was yesterday's show. I just posted a big knock on it. I hope your mom has a sense of humor when she sees it. I thought it was utterly ridiculous and I thought Dr. Oz could barely contain his composure listening to such dribble.


ok i'm sure she'll watch it with a grain of salt - do you by chance have a link? :)


No link, but it's not worth your effort. It's only about a five minute segment.


ok - thanks so much. one LAST favour - my mom was particularly interested in finding out what was said involving pennies? or coins? I don't know.... I'm confused even just writing this....

Thanks again for your help! :)


It was nothing, really. The medium was suggesting that if you find a penny it was placed there by a loved one who has passed on as a sign from them. A lot of hooey.


Orig air date was 5/21/12. "The Long Island Medium! What Happens When You Die?" – A housewife speaks to the dead; what happens after death; how to connect with the other side.
I don't know where you can view old episodes, but note that the dates and order of episodes on IMDB are WAY off.


check the episodes on dr oz website
