Sherri Shepard

I don't know if she was ever clear as to way she has nothing to do with the baby, other than financial support. If she did say that I must've missed it.

Also, I know this has been said before elsewhere but she was saying how Sal needed to get a job instead of asking her for more money, but women do that with men all the time and people don't seem to say too much about it. My cousin's wife is in her 50s - never had children - and she has never worked and lives off of him and her in-laws. She uses the excuse that she is too sick to work. Each day she has a new ailment to tell people about. I think the difference is a lot of men like needy and dependent women, but women don't like men who are that way.

Do I drink because my dreams don't come true, or don't my dreams come true because I drink?
