I did too. The only thing I had seen before from this era was War Horse (excellent) and Downton Abbey (way over rated, but my wife liked it) I saw War Horse as a play so it is hard to compare. But this is so much better than Downton Abby.
I saw Alicia Vikander last summer in the movie "Light Between Oceans". She was wonderful there and wonderful in this movie. I did not even know about this movie until I saw it on cable. Vikander will be one of those very underated actors from Europe that we Americans will rarely see. We go to see the over-rated, glamorous American stars whose lives are so screwed-up that they think unreal movie stories are what life really is. Then our youth think that is the way their life should be. Thank you cable for the occasional movie like this one. And thank you movie theaters for occasionally giving us a good movie like "The Light Between Oceans".