Why no cross (spoiler)

After Danny testifies for his behalf by his attorney, the prosecutor doesn't cross-examine him, something every prosecutor salivates for when the defendant takes the stand. Kind of unbelievable.


As a courtroom drama, it was very weak. I assume she did cross examine Danny but it was just not shown, just as the other psychiatrist's testimony wasn't shown. But the psychiatrist's testimony could be omitted because we already knew what he would say. The showdown between the prosecutor and Danny would have been much more dramatic, so it's perplexing that it was left out.

It was also baffling that Stan would put Danny on the stand and then not step through the Rockefeller shooting from his perspective. And when Stan cross examined Annabelle, he made no attempt to have her clarify that the fight with Angelo was self-defense and not the unprovoked attack that Angelo claimed it was.
