MovieChat Forums > Under the Skin (2014) Discussion > This is a good weird movie

This is a good weird movie

There’s not a lot in terms of story development, its more of a sensorial experience and for what it was, I enjoyed it a lot. The people walking in the streets were acting really good (they consist of 98% of the cast), to a point where it almost looked like one of those social experiments you can find on TikTok. One subtle detail I noticed was how the noise from the street could melt into the music playing to create a melodious soundtrack. Also, I was tripping balls with that hallucinogenic/epilepsy-triggering scene where, again, people, sound and colors (and my entire TV set) melted together to create a braingasm. Anyhow, it was all quite enthralling and mesmerizing. My rating: 8/10


I didn't like this at all. 5/10 from me.


Maybe you should go back to watching Transformers with the likes of you!!!


Sounds like the start of a diss rap...

Stoney likes watching Under the Skin,
because he enjoys nudity, sex and sin.
Stoney is naughtier than other boys
and he likes to steal little girls' toys.
He watches movies without pants,
and we all know he can't dance!

Your turn...

(This is just a joke for anyone who doesn't know. We actually like each other)


What did you say, little wee Jew? In life there is no redo, wish that I could read through the whole bible cuz I seek truth, for that than I will need you, Allby I need you!!! Your such a treasure, your presence is a pleasure, our love I can’t measure!

Wait, I think I did this wrong, did I?


Sounds like a love song, not a diss rap. Are you gay for me? I’ll need a few drinks before I will agree to anything. Okay, one drink. Okay, I’m ready now. My pants are off.


I’ll need a Hot chocolate after that.




She sure was and you sure do!


the people were non-actors. that's they acted so natural.
