"The emperor has no clothes" crowd.
A lot of people here are railing against the so-called "you just don't get it" crowd, but equally annoying and presumptuous are "the emperor has no clothes" crowd who insist because THEY don't get or relate to a movie, no one else does either and they're all just being "pretentious" poseurs or "hipsters".
If you don't appreciate a movie--WHATEVER it is--that doesn't mean nobody else does, or that there's nothing there to appreciate. I'm not a big fan of "The Wizard of Oz" or "Casablanca", but I'm not going to go tell all the people that do really like them that they're delusional. The danger of going on about how the "emperor has no clothes" is that more often than not, the emperor DOES have clothes and you just look like a troll or a jackass.
Not everybody "gets"--or the better word is APPRECIATES--every movie. But if a lot of intelligent, educated people DO and that really BOTHERS you, then maybe you should make more of an effort to "get" the movie. If it doesn't bother you, like it doesn't bother me with "Oz" or "Casablanca", just forget about it.
"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"