MovieChat Forums > Flashforward (2009) Discussion > Favorite + Least Favorite Characters?

Favorite + Least Favorite Characters?

I just barely discovered this show and I love it! And one thing I found was the majority of the characters were very likable, I was curious of who were others favorite and their least favorites were.


I really liked both Olivia & Lloyd a lot at first but after awhile they just got on my nerves especially Olivia! I liked Lloyd when he was with the other guys but just got annoyed with him when he was with her.

Anyone else??


Mark. He was always trying to help and fight for others who were stabbing him in the back or he knew wud stab him in the back or who he suspected wud stab him in the back. He did it all primarily w a smile. He had issues but to me he was just too good.


Olivia and Lloyd irritated me to. I wud think she'd be more concerned about her husband dying that day then kissing another man.

Mark was written in my opinion as a sort v Christ like figure. He's being patient, forgiving, looking at everything from others perspectives and trying to save others while neglecting his own pain.

How cud she do that to that man? Anyone who loved that hard I wud probably b on the outside praying he make it out safe or if I was crazy enough break into the building to make sure he's okay. Which is suicude but u did say if I was crazy enough.

I hate that they took this show off. It's up there w the 4400 that they also took off. What's wrong with these ppl taking off good shows?


I completely agree with you. I really liked Olivia at first. But when she gave Mark ultimatum about moving or her leaving she lost me there. She should have known he couldn't just leave, he was the head of the biggest disaster, he was trying to find out who did it and if it was going to happen again and most likely if he did leave the investigation would have been over, so he couldn't leave. If she needed to get away why didn't she just leave herself?? She was just so selfish and was just thinking about herself. And also I really started to gain respect for her again when she would go to Lloyd during the countdown, I was like "yes, she just stay with your daughter who is scared that her died might die" and of course I lost respect for her again! And you know there was really no reason for her being there, she didn't do anything to help or anything she just sat there making out with him while her husband is sacrificing his life to practically save most of the world! The only thing that did helped them out was Simon's text!
