I saw it yesterday and was pissing myself laughing. And it has the best line ever contained in any film "my mum gave a hand job to a mystic!" It is a beautifully made, touching film and is one of the few (Kings Speech not included) that makes you feel proud to be British.
I'm not sure what's quite so funny about "my mum gave a hand job to a mystic!" but there you go, it does seem to be becoming an unofficial tagline for the film.
I dont know, I saw it a few weeks ago and the audience only laughed once (when the kids mom was asking him if he was gay). I think it would have been a work of genius if the film came out 30 years ago, but to me the humor feels too much like stuff we see on TV/in movies constantly these days.
I should have probably given an example when I said the humor reminded me too much of stuff I'd seen before... for example, the scene where he plays the sad songs his dad gave him after the breakup, would have been good but reminded me way too much of an episode of South Park where stan gets broken up with and he mopes around with that song "all out of love" playing, it felt like I was watching the same scene.
I don't think the tape part is in the novel, if it is then it's only very briefly mentioned. I think that might be something Richard Ayoade quite liked.