Good, but...

Beautifully shot, excellent soundtrack but it fell short in a few places. The central characters weren't really likable (at least not until the end of the film when they kind of won me over) and the narration nearly sunk the whole ship (or submarine in this case.) I imagined the film without the pointless narrating and I saw a better film. And hell I like voiceovers in films 90% of the time but the kid's thoughts didn't need to be voiced, it was all too self aware and overall irritating. I did like the film it was just a bit frustrating. The girl really wasn't worth all that pain.

Some forms of British humor I don't get I suppose. I didn't like the Inbetweeners either because of how mean-spirited it was. There's a fine line, I believe, between playful and mean spirited. Rushmore, a film Submarine is being compared to, knew the distinction.

That being said I am somewhat looking forward to Ayoade's next project. This could have been a classic and it's only his first film. Impressive really.
