MovieChat Forums > Battleship (2012) Discussion > Movie was fun. What did people expect??!...

Movie was fun. What did people expect??!?

Yea, I thought it was very entertaining. I don't get why people feel the need to bash a film that is supposed to be a bit cheesy and mindless fun. Sometimes I think it's the people on IMDb that are the dumb ones !!.. They just don't get when a film is a fun block buster type with big explosions and people running around all crazy trying to kill aliens. I mean the synopsis says it all yet people knit pick about the aliens not having the armor or special weapons ones think it should.
The people that feel this way and give it a 1 or 2 based on these reasons are real geeks who probably never been laid in their lives. It's a movie based on the classic board game only with alien invaders and other changes for obvious reasons.
Let's not forget the reason why this was made and its overall plot and stop taking stupid things so literal . If you went to see this for a great story and great acting throughout along with having to think a lot instead of just enjoying an action flick then you have something seriously wrong with you. It's fine if you didn't like it but to knit pick and not like for reasons I gave then I hate to think what you think of any movie lol.



It seems like a lot of people are forgetting how to enjoy themselves.

Whining about plot and acting as if its required here 😄


I can enjoy myself with a trash movie from time to time (Spy Kids or Rambo 2 for instance). But this was just too much. To make a movie about a board game is a totally stupid idea in the first place. I am not sure what came out first between the Clue board game or the movie but I can say that this is another example of a movie painful to watch.

I can even go as far as enjoying another aliens invasion movie like Independance Day where at least I can say that there is a minimum of substance, some amazing visual effects and good entertainment. Here we have a movie with no characters development, probably the dumbest start i ever seen (he was really ready to get shot for a fucking boritto? Really? I am pretty sure he could have just found a 24h taco bell), lame ass visual effects, awful acting and i have a hard time to see how someone can find it entertaining (were you really thrilled by the battle? I thought that even In the Name of the King had better fight sequeces).


Its better than ID-R
