Nice film

I think for those who don't like the film, well I would have no idea what kind of movies you would enjoy. Perhaps you shouldn't waste money on even giving films like these a try.

I thought this film was very heartwarming, it was a nice twist with the girl's near death. I didn't see that one coming really. Overall a really nice film, heartwarming, and would recommend it.



I did not like this film. I thought it could have been so much better. They should have left out the unrealistic twist and just stuck with the love story. I saw the twist coming from about a mile away(although I thought she was actually dead).

I personally would have liked to see him actually fall in love with the real Tess(not her "ghost"). It would have been a better story(in my opinion) if he had to deal with the balancing of his new found love, and the prospect of moving forward, with the pull to the past. It would have meant so much more to me if Charlie was able to tell Sam he was moving forward and allowing him to move on, instead of having his brother move on by default.

I felt as if Sam's departure left an empty feeling. We know Sam is happy and in a great place(I assume they are alluding to heaven). However, Charlie would not know. The last time he did not make it to play ball with his brother, Sam was visibly upset at the prospect of leaving. If we were looking at it realistically, why would Charlie not think Sam was upset with him this time? And if he does, well that is kind of sad.

The main reason I did not like this movie was b/c it could have been so much better. However, it is based on a book, which I assume has the same "faults".


I read the book and yes it was better. I liked the movie but never understood why they changed so much in it. At the end of it Charlie did get to interact with a changed Sam and they both were at peace with the outcome. I dont understand editing or direction movie decisions, but felt they got this one wrong.

It was a touching movie but could have been so good with just a little more effort


I think having Charlie actually being able to see Sam was ok at the end would have been better. Besides the other parts I did not care for, that part was probably the one that bothered me most.

I did not like that film very much, but I did think that Efron and Tahan really played their parts well. You could feel the connection between the two when they were on screen. It was a bit of a let down that they did not get to say good-bye to one another in a meaningful way.


I think the reason why Charlie couldn't interact with Sam in the end was because once you crossover you can't talk to the living any longer. I think it had more to do with that belief than anything. I think when Sullivan came back and talked to Charlie the director tried to make a point that once you crossed over you couldn't come back. When Charlie says "I promise" after Sam said "were brothers no matter what, come hell or high water, promise?" or something close to that. The director was trying to get across that they were at peace with not seeing each other anymore.
