MovieChat Forums > Charlie St. Cloud (2010) Discussion > Did he really need to go shirtless befor...

Did he really need to go shirtless before he dived in the water?

Did that really make him a better swimmer when he dived in the rough waters before he saved the girl? He was still wearing that life jacket.. why did he need to see his abs at such a pivotal point of the movie? Was it was just a reminder of how hot he's suppose to be?

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..have you ever tried swimming with clothes on? Yes, the life jacket wouldn't have made it easy either, but honestly, it's easier without the shirt. Shirt causes unnecessary drag, and especially in that water, it would've been whipping him around everywhere when it catches on the waves. I'm a swimmer, we swim with clothes on for 'hell week' for a reason. I promise you, it's easier without the shirt.

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"you bet your sweet ass i am"- demetri martin


I saw the movie on tv, not on a huge screen (my tv is not that small, but you get my point). Anyways, the scene was so dark since it was at night and there were no lights nearby that I didn't see it as any kind of highlight of his "abs". Just a practical matter of not wanting to have clothes slow you down and make it harder to swim. Especially in the ocean with waves and such, loose clothes are not going to help.

To each their own...opinion


Don't forget the entanglement hazards. He was about the swim into an upside down boat- a loose billowing shirt is too easy to snag- his risk would be hirer with the shirt on. A right side up boat-once underwater- carries with it a certain amount of risk; its an overhead environment with numerous hazards, and these hazards would increase if the boat was full of gear, line and junk and flipped upside down.

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That's a ridiculous comment. why the hell would someone jump into the water with their shirt on??

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