
this may of already been mentioned and i haven't notice but was this movie a remake? cause i was talking to a friend and he said that the plot was really familiar and that he's seen a movie that was just like this one i'm not sure how long ago though. so does anyone know by any chance?

"Dwight you ignorant slut"
"That just happened!"


The movie is not a remake, but an adaptation of the book by Ben Sherwood. Your friend may be just thinking of a movie that has a similar plot, because lets face it no movie is completely original.


I've seen this before too, i've not read the book and I can't remember any of the actors but i've definatly seen this story as a movie.... the part where he comes out of the woods, after his nightly visit to his brother, to the graveyard and sees the girl for the first time as they are not previously aquainted in this other version, as she visits her dead relation is strongly in my mind. The cast is older in this version and charlie is a recluse. Why can't i find anything about this movie, it's driving me nuts!


I've seen this before too, i've not read the book and I can't remember any of the actors but i've definatly seen this story as a movie.... the part where he comes out of the woods, after his nightly visit to his brother, to the graveyard and sees the girl for the first time as they are not previously aquainted in this other version, as she visits her dead relation is strongly in my mind. The cast is older in this version and charlie is a recluse. Why can't i find anything about this movie, it's driving me nuts!



@Michael - i believed it's true i've already read that book by Ben Sherwood and it is somewhat the same as the movie.. guys, do you know what kind of watch does charlie wearing?


It is very similar to The Sixth Sense... not completely but similar
