MovieChat Forums > Hysteria (2011) Discussion > Question about Charlotte and her father....

Question about Charlotte and her father...

Several times throughout the movie the father character refers to Charlotte as "a very difficult case" are we supposed to infer from this that she is also one of his patients? In the first scene with her in it she comes out of the exam room looking somewhat disheveled and screaming at her father. Her blouse is also unbuttoned, if I remember right, although there are a few other scenes where she is seen in the same state so this could just be to show how different she is compared to everybody else. Did anybody else wonder the same thing?

It seems odd that her father would refer to her as "a difficult case" unless he was treating her.


She often went around like unkempt and being loud and had been arrested before after an altercation with a policeman.

I don't think she would let him near her in that regard as she saw that he knew nothing about women and their problems.

I think he referred to her "as a difficult case" because he didn't really relate to women and didn't understand them. So, he kept her at a distance like you would a speciman.


Unless maybe she kept him at a distance because he wanted to treat her for a condition he didn't really understand and which she understood all too well? The OP asks a reasonable question because her father didn't believe that the treatment was sexual and because he believed his daughter was hysterical. Of course a light comedy is in no position to even hint in this direction.

