I'm pretty sure that this has been put up here before but I am too lazy to go through all the boards.
I think every elimination taste test should be a blind taste test.
I watch this show. I enjoy it, because I like the food. But I don't think that it is fair. Unlike singing shows where you can judge the singing for yourself (I was going to say model shows, but then we don't see all the cast off pictures...), we can't taste the food.
Often I find that the judges comments sound scripted and you can guess which contestant is going next, or which are not going to win. I am not saying that I can guess with 100% accuracy (and I can't guess who is going to win, because I don't know what the producers agenda is, other than money of course... I would say Mindy, but you never know...).
I just think that to make it fair, because it does seem too scripted, is to have all the elimination taste tests blind taste tests.
Blah Blah Blah