
I'm pretty sure that this has been put up here before but I am too lazy to go through all the boards.

I think every elimination taste test should be a blind taste test.

I watch this show. I enjoy it, because I like the food. But I don't think that it is fair. Unlike singing shows where you can judge the singing for yourself (I was going to say model shows, but then we don't see all the cast off pictures...), we can't taste the food.
Often I find that the judges comments sound scripted and you can guess which contestant is going next, or which are not going to win. I am not saying that I can guess with 100% accuracy (and I can't guess who is going to win, because I don't know what the producers agenda is, other than money of course... I would say Mindy, but you never know...).

I just think that to make it fair, because it does seem too scripted, is to have all the elimination taste tests blind taste tests.

Blah Blah Blah


Yes, I often think they could do better when it comes to tastings. At least in the bigger challenges. For instance in the Mindy/Alice immunity cook-off, Mindy was always plate A and Alice was always Plate B. I would like them to mix it up, so the judges don't consciously or unconsciously try to give a dish a win, because A won the last round or vice versa.

Also in one immunity challenge (was it Tregan's? or the one after?) one of the judges specifically said that Matt Moran told them she had difficulty with a specific dish, even though they hadn't (officially) been told who cooked what dish... made me go "Hmm... you're not supposed to know that".


I had my doubts but it's been very clear for a few episodes now that they are setting Andy up for the win. They already had the homely mom, the asian dude, the modern mom, now they want the blokey bloke. It's really getting ridiculous.
Of course without tasting the food, it's hard to tell if his dishes are suddenly so wonderful that they just can't shut up about it and after nearly escaping elimination 200 times, he magically wins every challenge but come on, they are even telling him what to do. Ben got a "not a good idea at all, think it through again, mate" and Andy got a "oh you should do this and that instead, cook it like this and add this herb instead of that one". Please.

ETA: And SHOCKER! He won. I think i'm done watching.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco
