MovieChat Forums > The Apparition (2012) Discussion > What could have made the film a lot bett...

What could have made the film a lot better?

Even the film was heavily panned and a box office bomb. However I wonder what could have been done to make the film better, since the 82 minute running time is too short for starters and felt as though there was hardly any story to it.


I don't think the storyline had any potential. But with a better director and cast, I think it could've been a little scary.


A few naked ladies that just sort of shuffle through the film at odd times? The leading lady in a thong? A coupon for some free pot? A reallly good bowel movement after a night of mexican food? A laughtrack written by Chelsea Peretti? Chelsea Peretti in a thong? A hot three cheese pizza with pepper sauce?

This movie had so many refs to other classic movies, it was hard to know what was original and what was plagiarism. It's hard to pick any one easy improvement.



hahaha, nice!!


The second half and the ending of the movie they forgot to make...


I think the core idea (a malevolent creature moving from Purgatory into our world) is a good one, but it was loaded down with so much garbage that any spark of intelligence disappeared. What I would have changed if it were me:

* None of that bs about every single character being under 25 and gorgeous. Casting like that automatically means they're aiming for people who value the sexuality in a movie over the story.

* The movie would have been longer, so the story had time to unfold and characters had space to become something other than walking plot devices.
** More backstory to flesh out what's going on.
** More depth for the characters, giving them meaning and reason for everything they do.

* I would add more horror-oriented scenes, and do more to make them creepy / scary than "Ooh everyone look at the twisted hangers, it's so scaaaaarrrryyyyy". Jump scares aren't a necessity either, as this movie and so many others seem to think they are. Movies that can scare a person through setting / plot / imagery are so much better than those that rely entirely on cattle prod scare tactics.

* The characters need to be made smarter and less annoying. Scenes like the girl nailing the laundry door shut (because closed doors totally stop ghosts, right?), the guy refusing to be straight about his past even after it's blindingly obvious that they're in trouble, or Little Ms. Nosy digging through her bf's stuff just make the characters seem stupid and unlikeable.

It is the way of men to make monsters; and it is the nature of monsters to destroy their makers.



How about sticking to the story in the trailer?

Requiescat in pace, Krystle Papile. I'll always miss you.


That's exactly what I was going to say when I saw this thread.

In fact I'd still love to see a movie based on the concept in the trailer (i.e.: that ghosts are a creation of people's minds and only exist for as long as people believe in them).

As it stands now, the movie is just an underdeveloped and directionless mess. It's as if the makers just spliced together random scenes from Poltergeist and The Grudge and hoped for the best.


Yea, it seems like the makers of this movie changed their mind about what the movie would be about after they made the trailer.


A stronger execution with a greater emphasis on building tension and carefully crafting a spooky atmosphere would have helped a whole lot. You know a horror film just isn't working when the ending credits sequence is done with more craft and thought than the rest of the picture.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


for starters, better writing...
I think the cast for the most part were adequate- they just got nothing to work with...
horrible story line..concept is dumb overall.
Few kids try an experiment and fail miserably bringing in a spirit from another world. Okay, maybe the concept
is pretty good. But it was poorly written.


I think it would have been better if the Draco guy set up all that equipment in the house with evil intentions in order to draw the ghost away from him and bring it to their place so he could be free.
