I think the core idea (a malevolent creature moving from Purgatory into our world) is a good one, but it was loaded down with so much garbage that any spark of intelligence disappeared. What I would have changed if it were me:
* None of that bs about every single character being under 25 and gorgeous. Casting like that automatically means they're aiming for people who value the sexuality in a movie over the story.
* The movie would have been longer, so the story had time to unfold and characters had space to become something other than walking plot devices.
** More backstory to flesh out what's going on.
** More depth for the characters, giving them meaning and reason for everything they do.
* I would add more horror-oriented scenes, and do more to make them creepy / scary than "Ooh everyone look at the twisted hangers, it's so scaaaaarrrryyyyy". Jump scares aren't a necessity either, as this movie and so many others seem to think they are. Movies that can scare a person through setting / plot / imagery are so much better than those that rely entirely on cattle prod scare tactics.
* The characters need to be made smarter and less annoying. Scenes like the girl nailing the laundry door shut (because closed doors totally stop ghosts, right?), the guy refusing to be straight about his past even after it's blindingly obvious that they're in trouble, or Little Ms. Nosy digging through her bf's stuff just make the characters seem stupid and unlikeable.
It is the way of men to make monsters; and it is the nature of monsters to destroy their makers.