What... the... hell....

So I have to ask... what was with Ashley Greene's character // delivery of the character? I have met strippers that work in a bar across from a drug den who have a more pleasant personality and demeanor than this woman.

I think the scene that got me was when she had the "get out of MY house" (when up to this point she had been calling it their house when Ben was still purchasing things for it). I get that Ben had kept his ghost hunting stuff hidden from her, but that reaction was down right psycho b*#%^.

I don't know how the boy kept dealing with it. I would have left... quickly.


She really overreacted. Yes it was crappy that he didn't tell anything about what was going on, especially considering her life was in danger, too. But he was really trying to do what he thought would protect her. When she said get out, I would've effin keep going.


She was reacting more to the situation than to Ben.

She found out that Ben had taken part of an experiment where Ben's past girlfriend inexplicably disappeared. Ben had never even mentioned this girl or this traumatic event. And with all the scary shoot going on, he pretended that it was nothing: that it was "new houses making strange noises" and that she was ridiculous for being afraid to sleep inside.

It seemed normal enough to be suspicious, given how things looked when she found out about this life-altering event for the first time. Ben's intentions were good, but her trust in him went astray.
