Best horror movie ever!

Is The Shining or The Ring.....this movie was complete and utter garbage! Not scary, not interesting, bad acting and like a watered down version of B grade horror films.

if you liked this film, do yourself a favour.....get out and see more horror movies. Watch The Conjuring, The Ring, The Shining, A Tale of Two sisters (original) the eye (original) Insidious, Sinister, even the low budget Apartment 143 is ten times better than this rubbish.


Maybe the overall acting would have been better if it wasn't for A.Greene's being the worst.


Haha when i clicked your topic i was ready to teach you a lesson in horror but then i judt laughed my A$$ of x) this movie REALLY sucked donkeyballz


I am pretty generous when it comes to giving my thoughts on movies, but The Apparition has to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen, in any genre.

Bad enough, I've enjoyed movies such as Alien or Poltergeist but this movie had to be one of the worst pieces of s**t that anyone could ever come up with for a horror/thriller movie. This movie tried too hard in certain areas to be another Poltergeist, yet we know this film definitely failed - BAD! At least Poltergeist to me was more groundbreaking of a film, while this film is as pleasant of a horror film as diarrhea.

Wow, let's get some lovely shots of the interior designs of the house, everybody!

This is a waste of 74 minutes of your life, in case anyone asks. I did the math. They had to add another 7-8 minutes to the running time of the film that was just end credits, so they could even call it a movie. What a dump!

I swear, whoever directed and wrote this "movie" ought to be blacklisted.



It is so bad it should be riffed by the Mystery Science Theatre 3000 crew.


i knew this film was going to be rank. but as i'm on a winter soldier/sebastian stan crush as the moment i thought i'd give it a go so i could ogle him. he was not enough. i actually think this is the worse film i have ever seen. ashley greene's acting was beyond dire, the script was awful, the plot was disjointed, the attempts at covering up the exposition was an embarrassment.

what the hell was sebastian stan thinking?

2/10. 2 marks given as ashley and stan are nice to look at.


? omg...I'm speechless! This movie is obtuse in every way possible.


Agree with Evil.

Only my recommendations for good horror would include: The Exorcist (even though I don't necessarily want to pigeon-hole this classic because it is so much more than horror - going by the current definition of the term), Poltergeist and Rosemary's Baby.

Many of these sorts of films are silly but still entertaining and fun: The Omen, The Conjuring, Constantine, Devil's Advocate and Insidious.

But this turkey sucked hard! Ashley Green should be forced to hand back her actors' equity card. Appalling performance - and who was the main guy? Never seen him before and doubt I'll see him again judging by his efforts here.

Can't for the life of me understand why Tom Felton came within 10 miles of this movie, unless he's spent all his Potter money on wine, women and song...

So put some spice in my sauce, honey in my tea, an ace up my sleeve and a slinkyplanb


Not scary, not interesting, bad acting and like a watered down version of B grade horror films.

that and more.

Liberate tu temet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.


Ashley Greene was so bad, I've seen better acting in porn. The fact that she was cast proved that it really is about how you look, not about talent in Hollywood.

"You really are the brightest witch of your age."
