MovieChat Forums > The Apparition (2012) Discussion > Why Warner bros barely put any effort I ...

Why Warner bros barely put any effort I to marketing

Even though the film is awful but why is that Warner bros barely put any effort into marketing the film and giving it such a limited release.


I thought it was good (keep in mind my taste in movies varies). It kept my interest and the story was original. How many haunted house movies have had the origins of the ghost completely man made?


As to the advertising itself, it's clear WB had no faith in the project from the get go. Why else would they deliberately put the ending on the poster? Makes you wonder did the execs actually read the treatment and script before saying " We're sold. Make it."


It says Warners deliberately chose to give it the smallest promotion possible since it had just broken with Dark Castle Entertainment. I was going to ask the same question. So the REAL question is, why did they break with Dark Castle? I know it was a business decision, but does anyone know why?

"Cum Grano Salis"
