MovieChat Forums > Faster (2010) Discussion > Driver getting away from cops during ban...

Driver getting away from cops during bank robbery flashback.

I really must be missing something. Basically, the cops didn't know what vehicle they were looking for, so he still drove around wrecklessly and doing all kinds of illegal maneuvers in front of several police cars (even though they didn't know what car to look out for - why couldn't he have just driven normally and had the dudes in the back duck down until the coast was clear?), and they didn't care enough to notice this or stop him? What am I missing here?


I dont think him putting around in that GTO would have been nearly as interesting, haha

Esse Quam Videri


LOL I know, but I can't get over how the cops seemed to miss him speeding down the streets going backwards (right in front of them) and then turning to go the other way, almost hitting the cop cars, and then just driving off like it wasn't a big deal to do that in front of cops in pursuit of someone who robbed a bank!


I have watched this scene a few more times and it still doesn't make sense to me. The police were in sight of him the whole time he was making illegal maneuvers all throughout the "chase," as well as driving backwards at high speeds in front of cops. Then he spins the car around and drives away casually in front of 4 cop cars (2 on his side of traffic, 2 on the other) and none of the cops seem to notice him. Wtf? Somebody, please help me out here.


If you watch the scene again the cops had to know it was them because they (the cops) Stopped in the middle of the road, as he turned around and they were going in the opposite direction as the GTO zoomed off in the opposite direction. This must of been a place that had a tiny place force with no chopper or cycles to catch up to the obviously superior automobile. LOL


When he made his final turn in front of the cops who stopped... why did they not keep going!? And why did the cops that were already chasing him (from behind) stop too? The editing for this scene is really confusing.


Yeah we do have to blame it on the editing some, and at the same time I just think the director wanted us to be in a moment of suspension here with that scene and go along with it.

So they basically told us the GTO was the superior automobile while the police cruisers were lackluster in their skills. LOL


How about the fact that when he backed down the alley the cops passed and didn't seem interested in going after him. So what's he do? Goes flying out the other end of the alley and does all kinds of dangerous and stupid maneuvers. Cops certainly got interested them.

The Rock was a huge heat score as a driver. It just was done and edited poorly. Still, I liked the film and though DJ did fantastic acting.


You didn't miss anything. The director and screenwriters were the ones who coudln't see straight. This movie was a Frankenstein of pointless scenes and ripoffs (though I'm sure they thought they were homaging) of other movies. What a colossal turd of a movie.

He asked us, "Be you angels?"
and we said, "NAY, we are but men," ROCK!


I've literally re-watched that scene 5 times and I am still baffled by it.


You might want to see a doctor.

He asked us, "Be you angels?"
and we said, "NAY, we are but men," ROCK!


LOL. I guess I can't accept that nobody noticed how much it made no sense when writing, acting, shooting, or editing that scene.


I hear ya man. I JUST finished watching it for the first (and LAST) time and I'm still mad.

He asked us, "Be you angels?"
and we said, "NAY, we are but men," ROCK!


Word. It's not like I watched the whole movie 5 times. I just re-watched that scene (it was only 2 minutes long or so) because I was like, "HOW DID HE MAKE A CLEAN GETAWAY!? THE COPS GAVE UP!?"


Nah, just the editor gave up.

He asked us, "Be you angels?"
and we said, "NAY, we are but men," ROCK!




Bumping for answers.


He could have driven straight after excaping initally but i think were supposed to get the idea that hes in the zone.

My take on it is this, its a smaller town, no heli on scene, no motorcycles, so an average police car chasing after a suped up GTO well they didnt have a chance.

Add to that his driving in reverse would be considered reckless and dangerous driving, on city streets, many towns large and small have a no chase policy when in areas where citizens can be hurt or endangered by pursuit. Its possible the watch commander called the chase off in fear of public safety.

If it had been a highway chase, im sure theyd have called in a heli as well as local sheriffs and state police if they thought it was needed. On a highway you have a slightly better chance of containing and controlling a chase.

And lastly a movie that was promoting classic muscle cars wouldnt be much of a fast car movie if it didnt have a "cool looking" car chase.

Anyway thats just my 2 cents hope it helps.

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the term suspension of disbelief ever enter your mind? because we as people need to use this in order to enjoy movies.

the point of that whole scene besides to highlight the gorgeous goat, is to show his driving skill. why name your main character driver if the only driving your gonna see him do is straight lines and the donut turns? the whole scene is him playing cat and mouse with the cops like a running back with the defense, and once he had them where he wanted he dropped the hammer and was gone, out.



Watching this again now, and the scene still doesn't make sense.


Yeah, I also didn't figure out why he decided to drive in reverse??
