Why this movie failed
It failed because it lacked an opponent who was worthy of the hero...someone who could give "Driver" even a semblance of a good fight throughout the movie.
As it is, Driver is simply the toughest badass in North America who goes around dispatching evildoers in a matter of seconds. One-two-three DEAD.
Now you might say, "Dude, that wasn't the point. It wasn't ABOUT Driver having a worthy opponent. It was about his thirst for revenge and the toll that was taking on him and blah blah blah blah." Whatever. Even if that's true (and it might be true) it doesn't matter.
Because once you know that your main guy's pretty much superhuman and that no one in the world can defeat him in a fair fight, it kills the experience. There's no tension anymore. All you've got is a walking, talking, justice-dispensing God who can't be stopped by man or beast. And where's the fun in that?