As a Christian i appreciate the Christian theme throughout (SPOILERS)
But unfortunately The Rock's character tuned out every time he was presented with an option to do what is right.
The people that killed his brother and tried to kill him had no right to do what they did, but he (the rock's character) had no right to get his revenge. Life is only for God to give and take away (1 Samuel 2:6) that is The LORD's job only!
Now at the end of the movie when The Rock was going to kill the new born again Christian / Preacher, the writers should have gave the pastor a line like - "Go ahead and kill me, i don't care, that's all you can do, Matthew 10:28 - 'Do not be afraid of those who can kill the body, but cannot kill the soul. Instead, fear the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell', i ain't scared of you, brother, i fear GOD only!" that would have been a fantastic line, but the dialogue that they went with which was him praying for his soul, was a good line as well.
So at the end of the movie The Rock drives off into the sunset after fulfilling his plan of revenge, the thing is even though they were bad people, he could still end up eventually feeling extreme guilt for taking human lives, if he doesn't then he's got a seared conscience, boy!
How do we know that The Rock's character doesn't end up killing himself because he's racked with so much guilt due to killing human beings?! Even though they were not good people, taking a life point blank period could bring huge amounts of guilt, watch documentaries on this kind of thing!
I'm streaming this again because it's actually a good film which brings the option of hope, but the main character chooses NOT to take the high road unfortunately.
The twist is unexpected and planned very well.