kind of has the flash animation look

hope it still is good


Honestly, DC's animated movies have been hit or miss recently. At least for me. Don't know what happened. Their animated films have always been top notch stuff

Still looking forward to this though. The Long Halloween is one of my all time favorite ComicBook stories.


yes, they used to be really good in the early days. i enjoyed a couple recent ones like batman meets the tmnt.


Oh yeah, that was SO fun. Enjoyed it way more than I thought I would.

But the last Batman story adaptation, "Hush", was hella disappointing. Hopefully this delivers

Also, I know that Batman is their biggest money maker but I really wish they'd give other characters their own animated films. Cause it kinda feels like we RARELY get those anymore.

Apart from the odd Superman animated film here & there, the others just don't get enough love.


I think it looks fine. I will definitely be watching this. I just read The Long Halloween a few weeks back and I was pleasantly surprised. It will be interesting to see what they do in the animated form.


it will. cool that it's a two parter.


I'm sick of DC animation using that 'anime influenced flash' aesthetic. It looks so cheap.


It really does look cheap and ugly.

I'm curious when they'll start adopting Arc System Work's 2D-influenced 3D animation?

Per-pixel UE4 rendering enables artists to achieve full-on hand-drawn aesthetics utilizing UHD meshes.

It's cheaper in the long run (since you can recycle 3D assets) and you can still get that hand-drawn animation effect by limiting the frames to key frame transitioning only.

For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, this is how it looks:

For those of you who are interested in how they achieved the 2D anime look using 3D, the technical artist explains it here from a GDC event:


Don't like the style of animation DC is going with since Man of Tomorrow. Go back to the new 52 style or better yet the older Justice League Unlimited style of animation.
