MovieChat Forums > Deadpool (2016) Discussion > Finally Watched this and

Finally Watched this and

It lived up to the huge hype. That is all.



I finally watched it this weekend and was very thrilled throughout. Great movie and yes, worth all the hype.

"Id rather kill myself than commit suicide"


Glad you enjoyed it!

And yes, it's the type of that gets you thrilled.


I watched it and felt it was overrated. I do like that they jabbed at the comic movie tropes, but it felt like they were trying too hard/forced to be edgy and funny.

Still I would take more of these movies over the drivel that is Marvel movies these days.


Actually, if you get a chance to read the Deadpool comics (like I have--I've read several collections of them,since I'd never heard of Deadpool) the comics themselves do have a much more darker, edgier tone balanced with the whacked-out humor of Deadpool. So the film wasn't trying to edgy and funny---that's how the comics actually are---in fact, that edge was toned down just a bit for the film, but I liked that that is wasn't completely diluted/watered down like it would have been as a PG-13 rated release.


Glad you enjoyed it!


I still think it's the best comic book film i've seen this year, even more entertaining than Civil War. It brought the edginess, something that Suicide Squad should have also tried to do but did not.

Trying to create a funny, engaging YouTube channel. If you guys check it out, hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance.

Review of the film here-


You said it! In fact, I think it's safe to say that this film was the one comic book film of this year that not only delivered. It also stood out in a great way and brought something different and cool to the table.

I'll check out your channel.


Amen to that, and it delivered on everything it promised, the zany humor, the ridiculous nature, the vulgarity, the raunchiness, the nonstop action, the cheesy one liners, the blood, the gore, EVERYTHING, and we are getting an NC-17 director's cut later this fall which will be *beep* crazy lol
