MovieChat Forums > Deadpool (2016) Discussion > Overrated and not good

Overrated and not good

Deadpool was, for me, the most overrated film of the year. Most audiences seem to love it but I was not impressed. The film isn't very funny and many of the jokes are juvenile or just stupid. The tone of the film is wildly inconsistent. It feels rushed and is all over the place but never really lands on what it wants to be. Yet the film is smug and thinks it is more clever than it is. Reynolds does a good job but the other characters are underdeveloped or one dimensional and we have no reason to care about them. I enjoyed the opening credits and the soundtrack was good but that was not sufficient to make Deadpool a good movie. 5/10


That's a shame, I really enjoyed Deadpool, I thought it was really funny but then I guess, we all have different tastes in humour. I gave it an 8/10 and found it much more entertaining than a lot of the other superhero films (other than Iron Man).


True, everyone has their own sense of humour and their idea of what is funny or entertaining. Glad you enjoyed it, but it wasn't my cup of tea.


Loved it. A refreshing subversion of the genre.


It's definitly not a good movie, I gave a 7/10 at first but retracted it to a 4/10. Simply because there is nothing amazing to this film. I remember when watching movies like Jaws and being blown away by it. Jaws makes movies like this just cringe-worthy.


What's so freaking amazing about Jaws?


Yeah, I don't get that either.. Jaws wasn't all that amazing to me either.


It's an ok monster movie but that's about it.


The quality the movie Jaws presents is miles-better than deadpool.
Much better representation of the characters, The 2nd half of the movie Jaws is one of the best of cinema. Where as the first half of jaws is simply a classic. Deadpool is doesn't hold a cookie compared to Jaws.

For you is jaws just an ok Monster movie. For me is Deadpool an ok action movie. But Jaws is one of the best films i've ever seen.


Would you care to elaborate? Why is the second half of Jaws such great cinema?

Deadpool isn't so much a good film as it is a great Deadpool film.


The music, the suspense, the groundbreaking effects (It feels like you're on a boat). And the acting is incredible. No movie comes close.

If a movie like Deadpool is great because of the character then it does not deserve to be called a masterpiece. It's overrated. It's 6 maybe a 7 at best. Does the movie have groundbreaking effects? Is there alot of suspense? Is the acting incredible? No.

You're right deadpool isn't a great film, it's fun but masterpiece? No way! Overrated? Yes. If like then that's your opinion. I however think not.


Fair enough, I don't agree with neither the acting, the effects or the suspense but everything is not for everyone.

I would argue that a movie needs neither lots of suspense or groundbreaking effects to be a masterpiece. Deadpool has great acting. Ryan Reynolds nails the character, it's just like if he had stepped out of the comic pages.

It's not a masterpiece but it's a great, even amazing Deadpool movie. There are right ways and wrong ways to make movies. Deadpool did it right.


I agree. I don't think it was refreshing because the character has been around for awhile ruining the marvel universe. Here we have a character that constantly reminds readers you are reading a comic. Now it's gonna be the same in the x movie universe. He will take us out of the movies by saying they are all in a movie.... Stupid shit. Glad the MCU will never have him in it.


I think that's why I liked it though, I liked that it was different to the other 'superhero' movies.. he's not a good guy.. He's a far more interesting character to me than Captain America for example.


People who don't like Deadpool are probably a bit gay.


That makes no sense. What is gay about not liking Deadpool? A person's sexual orientation has nothing to do with their opinion of a film.


You sound a bit gay.


How do I sound gay? I'm straight.


You just have a bit of a gay quality about you.


We all have our opinions, but i'm just curious. You said you liked the new Ghostbusters. But why do you find that funny but not Deadpool? You said the jokes are juvenile but I'd say both films are childish. It's just that Deadpool does it with charm.


I didn't find the jokes in Ghostbusters (2016) to be childish or juvenile. I thought it was genuinely funny. Personally, I don't consider Deadpool to be charming.


Fart jokes are about as juvenile as dick jokes.


Exactly! I'd even say fart jokes are more juvenile than dick jokes.


Juvenile is as juvenile does. But if you don't think many of the jokes in Ghostbusters 2016 are just that, you just don't know what juvenile is. Also, juvenile jokes are sometimes really funny. Ghostbusters had lot's of problems, one of the being following a good joke with a bad one. Which happened all through the movie.


"Also, juvenile jokes are sometimes really funny."

Yeah, I find juvenile jokes are usually funny when it's using the humor to make some kind of point or there is a juvenile side and a grown up side. Good examples of this are things like Borat and South Park. Both very childish, but Borat is using that immaturity to reveal major flaws in our culture and the ignorance of the western world. South Park is usually making some sort of satirical social or political observation. In Deadpool's case he's bringing down a genre that takes itself very seriously by humiliating and mocking it's stereotypical characters. When the bad guy introduces himself as Ajax and Wade responds with "That sounds suspiciously like a made up name." That's funny. It's funny because he's saying something we've all been thinking for a long time.

Ghostbusters doesn't do anything like this. It's basically four women rolling around gurning and making silly noises. Four Jim Carreys. All four characters are almost exactly the same.

"Ghostbusters had lot's of problems, one of the being following a good joke with a bad one. Which happened all through the movie."

There were a few funny jokes admittedly, but I think I laughed out loud about 3 times in the hole film. It seemed to be going for that oddball kind of Anchorman humor. But they didn't really get why Anchorman was funny.

"Mikehat?" What the hell was that all about?


"Yeah, I find juvenile jokes are usually funny when it's using the humor to make some kind of point or there is a juvenile side and a grown up side. Good examples of this are things like Borat and South Park. Both very childish, but Borat is using that immaturity to reveal major flaws in our culture and the ignorance of the western world. South Park is usually making some sort of satirical social or political observation. In Deadpool's case he's bringing down a genre that takes itself very seriously by humiliating and mocking it's stereotypical characters. When the bad guy introduces himself as Ajax and Wade responds with "That sounds suspiciously like a made up name." That's funny. It's funny because he's saying something we've all been thinking for a long time."

Oh, I enjoy the odd fart joke without any actual point too though. But yeah, I agree with your point. Except I can't laugh at Borat, just cringe.

"Ghostbusters doesn't do anything like this. It's basically four women rolling around gurning and making silly noises. Four Jim Carreys. All four characters are almost exactly the same."
To me, it was "look and us gals being just as silly as men, aint that a laugh?".

"There were a few funny jokes admittedly, but I think I laughed out loud about 3 times in the hole film. It seemed to be going for that oddball kind of Anchorman humor. But they didn't really get why Anchorman was funny."
To me, the real comedy star of the film is Chris Hemsworth. Hilarious and played with great self-distance.


"To me, it was "look and us gals being just as silly as men, aint that a laugh?"."

The problem is, while I'm certainly not saying women can't be funny, I don't think they can do that sort of funny. And to be perfectly honest, I don't think many men can either. It's a very rare and unique thing to get right.


"The problem is, while I'm certainly not saying women can't be funny, I don't think they can do that sort of funny. And to be perfectly honest, I don't think many men can either. It's a very rare and unique thing to get right."
I can buy that.



I'd rather see superhero movies that are funny like Deadpool or Guardians or focusing on characters like Logan than manic shooter style filmmaking where all they care about is creating more elaborate CGI and special effects. I remember Peter Jackson's version of King Kong where one of the stampede scenes was so ridiculous that it took me out of the film and then this trend got even worse with the Transformers sequels. I still like the original King Kong the best although I haven't seen the new one. I think I felt this way about Rise of the Planet of the Apes compared to Dawn. Nothing wrong with spectacular scenes, but if you don't have humor or heart at the center of it then it won't amount to anything as far as I'm concerned.


I completely agree.. the superhero films with humour are definitely the best! For me Deadpool and Iron Man are my favourites.. Robert Downey Jr definitely makes Iron Man though!


Or the "look at me, I'm dead serious and suuuuuch an adult comic book movie" movies. Yes DC, I'm looking at you. Including Nolans Batman. Comic books are fun, even Batman is fun in the comics and in many of his animated ventures. DC movies lack that fun and charm. They take themselves way to seriously. Zack Snyder may be the one to blame though.


I think The Dark Knight is brilliant but not a fan of Zack Snyder... he should stick to production design and let someone else direct the worlds he imagines.


It's a great action thriller but is it really a great Batman movie?


For this answer, I'd defer to the comic book experts but since I'm not one... I can only judge it on its own merits. I didn't really like any of the first films other than maybe Batman Returns and I didn't like Batman vs Superman. But I enjoyed all three of Nolan's films especially the second one.


Its racist. Not enough black people in it.
