So suck it negative imdb voters. I want to hear the sucking noises.
Seriously, this movie was delightful and it's sad to see such an undeserved rating. IMDB actually used to be vaguely reliable when it came to user ratings. Not anymore...
Perhaps contrary to what you believe that the imdb ratings system is correct, that while this movie plays well for certain people (yourself included) that for those who it isnt catered to has quite the opposite effect. Instead of seeing something warm and heartfelt they see it as sappy and wishy washy. Sure there are those who love it but there are those who hate it and the rating system isnt there just for those who are fans of the movie, it is for everyone.
True, true, but that system is meant to keep movies like this from being 10s. Instead, people are abusing it and making this movie look as if it's as bad as a Disney channel tv show. It has good reviews for a reason, and great audience reaction. There's no reason for it to be in the 5s. Much worse movies have higher ratings than that on imdb.
Agreed!! I was surprised, disappointed and actually kind of wondering what kind of butthead reviews the movies here b/c the review was so crappy. I dont EVER watch a movie based on critics, I watch something based on my interest, but I hate it when critics are so blatant to slam something like this.
You are clearly defined by your actions, so do me a favor and shut the hell up
Wait, what? The rating on imdb is based on users. So that means a ton of random imdb users gave it a negative review. Actually, the critics have been very kind to the film.
True the critics have been kind to this movie but then again critics over the years have shown to be as trustworthy as the imdb user ratings. Movies like Jaws, Psycho, Jurassic Park, Casablanca, Citizen Kane, ET and Godfather Part II all had their share of negative reviews, some were pretty unilaterally panned only to become hits right off the bat or years later. So at the end of the day people shouldnt watch or not watch a film because of what others think, they should make up their own mind.
Yeah I never said people should watch this BECAUSE the critics loved it, I'm just saying the positive critical reviews give one indication of how wrong this imdb rating is. I never wanted to get into a discussion of how important critical reviews are, I just wanted to highlight how annoying some imdb users are...
As you can tell from the negative reviews post on IMDb, most of the accounts were created when the reviews were posted. It's been happening on IMDb for quite a long time: A person creates 20 or so profiles to create fake reviews in order to bad-mouth or praise certain films. You should see all the positive reviews for The Devil Inside. My positive review for Big Miracle are getting "thumbs down" votes in order to push my review down the list while my negative The Devil Inside review also got "thumbs down" votes.
As you can tell from the negative reviews post on IMDb, most of the accounts were created when the reviews were posted. It's been happening on IMDb for quite a long time: A person creates 20 or so profiles to create fake reviews in order to bad-mouth or praise certain films. You should see all the positive reviews for The Devil Inside. My positive review for Big Miracle are getting "thumbs down" votes in order to push my review down the list while my negative The Devil Inside review also got "thumbs down" votes.
THANK YOU for providing an explanation instead of debating me on how much sociological significance of rotten tomatoes! Unlike some people...*cough*fidel sarcastro *cough*....
This was a good movie, and it's pretty obvious that people are taking advantage of how imdb works to say differently. It's pretty ridiculous. I didn't realize it was QUITE so calculated though!
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THANK YOU for providing an explanation instead of debating me on how much sociological significance of rotten tomatoes! Unlike some people...*cough*fidel sarcastro *cough*....
Ah so all you wanted was someone to validate your preconcieved notion of how things are, that the movie is an instant classic, that all the naysayers are wrong and all the sensable people agree with you. I see... Just because the explanation fits your opinion then it has to be 100% fact right? Everything has to be in absolutes? No it couldnt be possible that some of those critic reviews are plants just as some of the imdb users are trolls who never saw the movie.
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Ah so all you wanted was someone to validate your preconcieved notion of how things are, that the movie is an instant classic, that all the naysayers are wrong and all the sensable people agree with you. I see... Just because the explanation fits your opinion then it has to be 100% fact right? Everything has to be in absolutes?
Uhhh no on all counts. I wanted an actual discussion on the matter I was bringing up, not an entirely new matter you decided to make up on the spot. It's pretty obvious that imdb is messed up and the fact that you need a month before you're willing to come to the same conclusion, despite the fact that this has happened multiple times before with other movies (it's well overt a month past Dolphin Tale was released and it's rating doesn't correspond to audience reaction, critical reviews or word of mouth at all), just indicates that you're slow, not clever.
No it couldnt be possible that some of those critic reviews are plants just as some of the imdb users are trolls who never saw the movie.
Yeah that could be true, except the top critics rating is high too, and the top critics couldn't possibly be plants. You do realize that right? Unless you're a complete whack job paranoid?
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I would like to believe all of this true. But, for example, I am a John Krasinski fan and by default, an Emily Blunt fan. Why does she get great reviews as an outstanding actress and her movies do as well but John. K. many times gets just mediocre reviews along with his movies. Are there J.K. haters specifically along with other actor haters and Emily Blunt lovers along with certain other actresses lovers?
On the one hand yes, I say judge for yourself, but are there actually people getting so many accounts, which takes a decent amount of time, just to give a movie a negative critique? I am still new to this even though I have been on these boards periodically for a few months so patience with me please!
But that is assuming that the critics positive reviews are indicitive of most peoples reaction to the film while the imdb user review is not. To me it is too early to say one way or the other if the critics or the imdb users are correct as far as what the majority of people who have seen this movie think about it. Give it a month and then perhaps a clearer picture will emerge.
The film is actually pretty good. I went to a prescreening and thought, "This film better be worth it for waking up at 9AM on Saturday instead of sleeping in." I watched it and was really surprised. The film is surprisingly hilarious as well, and it doesn't paint the situation as black and white. It felt realistic how all sides had some good and bad characteristics.
The same thing happened with Dolphin Tale. To be honest, any movie with a feel good tone, or a basis about life, protection, respect... It's going to have vile filth that mass votes it down.
It's either conservatives who attack it for being "hippie", or trolls that attack it for not being dark and edgy, or morons that just do it to feel special and against the norm, but there is just always going to be disrespectful slime that hates life, hate animals, hate the planet, and lashes out against anything that is positive and uplifting.
All this talk about users VS critics is pointless, because I can guarantee beyond a shadow of a doubt that almost all of the 1 out of 10 votes were from trolls who had been whining and crying about how much the movie sucked before it was released, as they all just mysteriously appeared the instant the film opened- barely anybody had a chance to see the movie before they all showed up. They're obviously not votes from people who saw the film.
And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?
It's either "conservatives who attack it for being "hippie", or trolls that attack it for not being dark and edgy, or morons that just do it to feel special and against the norm, but there is just always going to be disrespectful slime that hates life, hate animals, hate the planet, and lashes out against anything that is positive and uplifting.
kudos on making a generalization off all people who are them all have you?
"that hates life, hate animals, hate the planet, and lashes out against anything that is positive and uplifting."
I did not see much of anything that would be or could be confused as being positive and loving.....I do see you have a lot of venom for anything or anyone who does not agree with your standards of living.
No, kerrkop, I was generalizing based on the comments I saw on this board and the Dolphin Tale board, which seemed like a bunch of hardcore conservatives (I'm not generalizing all conservatives, but many hardcore ones are very nasty people- just as hardcore liberals can be nasty), trolls and morons. You're obviously taking my post personally because you fit into one or more of those groups.
And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?
Hey, you're the one taking everything I say personally and out of context, so I can only assume so much about you.
The truth is, this movie was under attack before it's release, and has been the subject of mass troll-voting. As I said, the instant it opened, it suddenly had hundreds of 1 out of 10 votes when it's obvious that very few people had already seen it... combine that fact with the fact that it's getting decent reviews from many critics and IMDB reviews, there's no question about it- like Dolphin Tale, which got great reviews from both critics and fans, this is a film under attack by trolls and people who don't agree with its message.
I'm just looking at the cold, hard facts. There are plenty of very nasty troll messages about this movie, about the concept of "going green", about how it's a "hippie" movie... It's the subject of trolls, people who hate its message, etc.
I don't know why you insist on arguing what is fact.
And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?
And the sad thing is, the trolls are bashing the film on things that the film doesn't even focus on. For example, saying the film supports the "green movement" has absolutely nothing to do with a bunch of whales being stuck under ice. If anything, the film is probably criticizing the fact that there isn't global warming so the ice could melt in order for the whales to escape in the first place! But even saying that is stupid because it's based.on.a.true.story.
And saying that it's a "hippie" film, whatever that means, is beyond the truth because the film represents both sides of the spectrum (people who love the environment and the oil businessman who doesn't give sht about the environment) as having sides of both positive and negative qualities. In the end, it isn't about the different groups. It's about how the groups come together in order to work AS A TEAM to save a bunch of whales, which HAPPENED.IN.REAL.LIFE. I'm not making this sht up here, folks. This happened in Alaska in 1988. Google it up if you have to.
I really needed this movie. There's enough straight-forward dramas out there that can depress the heck out of you. We really need movies like this to help us feel better about the world. No matter how corny they might be! :-D