Dude clearly has a really, really low opinion of women and black people. On last night's show, he made a "joke" about how "African American" and the n-word are easily interchangeable terms. I admit - he does say funny stuff sometimes but it's really hard for me to keep laughing when he makes remarks that put women on par with blow-up dolls and uses the n-word like the completely oblivious, over-privileged-and-needs-a-shot-to-the-mouth douchebag he is.
I find it hilarious when people like you and Daniel Tosh say things on the Internet (or television) that you would get stomped for curby-style in real life. Oooooh, you're so raw & edgy talking smack to strangers on the internet. You're not fooling anyone. I know you have no friends and no game.
It's the internet. Calm down. People aren't "edgy" nor "raw" online. However, people who take little posts or clip shows sooooo seriously and sooooo personally are most likely the ones without friends and "game."
INTERNET TOUGH GUY! The lowest on the internet food chain.
I've been pretty calm the whole time, thanks. You're the one all hyped up on Jim Crow Juice. You're right though. You aren't "edgy" or "raw". Just clueless and sad. You live in the same world I do. If you're so stupid that you think racism is no big deal, there's not much else for us to talk about. So why don't you run along now, you cowardly little bigot you. Keep telling yourself it's no big deal - that'll make it so! Moron.
Nibsy1: I don't watch the show, I failed to get up and change the channel after Colbert Report or something. And I take racism and sexism seriously because they're serious issues. And why don't you follow your own advice? If you don't like what I have to say then stop reading it. No one made you click on this link and read this thread. Don't waste your own time and then take it out on me.
Yes, people are totally allowed to joke about serious issues. A lot of the time the seriousness is what MAKES the joke. No one who knows me would ever accuse me of not having a sense of humor, but you'll just have to take my word for it. Anyway, when the joke is about serious stuff, IT BETTER BE FUNNY. If not it falls flat in an awkward embarrassing way. Tosh's joke wasn't clever or witty it was just straight up racist. Calling African-Americans n-s WAS THE WHOLE JOKE. I don't find that particularly clever. Did you even see the bit in question? And you should probably re-examine the logic that says if people don't like Daniel Tosh they don't have a sense of humor. Maybe Daniel Tosh doesn't have the same appeal to everyone as he does to those leaping to defend him so vehemently. I'll let you all get back to your Tosh.0 sessions...
You are correct that I need to avoid the friggin' show. I don't think he's funny enough to pull off the stuff he says and I get mad every time. I have no problem with ridiculing stupid people - I just prefer it "Ridiculousness" style. As in sans misogyny and racism. Stupidity is funny enough all by itself.
No, you didn't say those words. But you keep saying I'm taking him too seriously. That implies that the problem lies with me, not Daniel Tosh's racism. I disagree.
And I've already achieved what I set out to by posting this. I just wanted to put it out there that I don't think what he said is cool. You all know that now. Mission accomplished. I know you really want to believe I'm some humorless anger addict; sorry to disappoint.
I stated my intention pretty clearly and I don't recall mentioning "winning". Have I tried to goad anyone into agreeing with me? Nope. Just stated my own personal opinion. Not backing down doesn't constitute a "BE RIGHT AND WIN!" attitude. You raised the point that I may be over-reacting. I sat back and thought about it. And I arrived at the conclusion that white people who call black people n-r-s are racist and not funny. Now you might be feeling defensive right now because you've justified using the word yourself. I don't know. Why don't YOU listen to YOURSELF? I think you sound pretty ridiculous insisting that racism is no big deal, but that's just me. I'm not expecting you to do some 180 and thank me for showing you the light. Like I said - my intention in posting this was to put my opinion out there. And truth be told, his misogyny bothers me more than his racism. And in the scheme of things, Daniel Tosh is as important to me as a dingleberry. I wanted to say what I thought, I did that, and now I'm going to move on with my life.
I'm not going to answer that question because it's stupid. If you don't like my thread....
Thanks for pretending that you know me, but actually no. The reason it offends me is because one day I was sitting watching TV with a black friend of mine and all the little racist jokes we (white people) think of as "no big deal" clearly hurt their feelings. I used to think that kind of stuff was harmless too, but from personal experience, I know it's not. I don't care at all whether Daniel Tosh wrote the joke, whether he meant it, how much money he makes, or who his demographic is supposed to be.
Actually, that was my way of saying "I started this thread, it belongs to me, if you are sick of it or don't like my writing style LEAVE". Can't be diplomatic with a brick wall.
I see where you're coming from. I thank you for your effort to see where I'm coming, piss-poor as it was. Agree to disagree.
Nope sorry. The problem is indeed you. You are a complete and utter moron if you think he's really a racist and sexist. You are also a complete and utter moron to get so upset over a TV show. Grow up,go out and get a life. I take those issues seriously too but I am intelligent enough to know when someone is just making a joke and do not get pissed about it.
You're a complete and utter moron if you think that's a way to start a conversation with someone. I'm really glad you take serious issues seriously and are soooooo above it all. Not too above it to troll IMDB message boards (who needs to go out?), but whatever. Did I ever say I know Daniel Tosh personally? I don't recall saying that. Maybe you're the one who's worked up and not being too logical? Whatevs. Either way - thank you very much for telling me how to feel/behave/etc. Not sure how I've made it this far without your advice! If you're so intelligent, then how did you miss the part where I said that Daniel Tosh JUST ISN'T FUNNY ENOUGH to joke about serious subject matter? Oh wait - you're not. Nowhere on this thread do I say it's never okay to make race jokes, just that Tosh doesn't have the chops. Maybe you should do your homework before you pretend you know what you're talking about next time.
The OP probably thinks that Stephen Colbert is part of the Tea Party. (Most Faux News viewers believe Stephen is a conservative.)
What is funny about this thread is that the OP has written almost ALL of the posts. It's like he's having a conversation with himself. I wonder if he is the type of guy who walks down the street talking to himself.
But maybe he is smart enough to cover that sort of behavior by wearing a bluetooth earpiece (so that people think he's talking on the phone.)
And is the OP some crybaby who complains to the admins about almost every post?
You found the joke offensive, we get it. I didn't find the joke all too funny myself, not b/c I thought it crossed some line though. I just find you to be kind of a pu$$y. Not only did that offend you, but you just had to run to your computer, load up imdb, go to tosh.0's page, and proceed to tell everyone on this board how big a bitch you are. And instead of making your point and going on with your life, you lurk while repeatedly hitting the refresh button to see if anyone else experienced menstrual cramping after watching his show.
Actually I get an email notification when someone replies to me. Not much lurking involved. Pu$$y? Bitch? Menstrual cramps? Your hatred & fear of women is so strong I can barely understand what you're trying to say. You're practically frothing at the mouth. And I'm the one worked up? Methinks not. For someone who "loves big knockers" you seem to have quite a bit of disdain for the ladies. Perhaps you should look into that.
Yes, I am enraged with anger. You win and are the superior internet movie database message poster. I have found your intellect to be an inspiration to me and my need to figure out my problems with the fairer sex. I don't know, maybe it all started when I was repeatedly fondled by Aunt Jemima as a child and forced to play "hide the dinky" with her master, Betty Crocker.
For instance yesterday, I was at the scrip club just being rebellion, and kept finding myself wanting to insert my fist within the anus of the meth addict shaking her private parts 3 inches from my nose. Is that normal? Help me change?
That is such *beep* How does having common sense make you a pussy? You're a *beep* moron. You don't know boundaries. How would you feel if someone would joke about a dead relative of yours? Or for example you get a terrible disease and someone jokes about that. Would that register as humor to you?
I applaud people that pitch a fit about comedians like Tosh & other edgy comics. If there wasn't people like them that flip out about offensive jokes, it'd take a whole lot of bite out of the comedy.
I agree wholeheartedly with your comments concerning internet tough guys, but I don't think you can compare them to Tosh. I think Tosh would have to actually be somewhat accountable for what he says, seeing as it's on tv and all.......
Guy talking about curb stomping someone right after talking shit about people saying things online that they wouldn't in real life,lol. Classic IMDB post.
He is just as hard on white males as he is on blacks and females.
What is the big deal? People love the fact that he has the balls to say the things that he does. Even black people and women. In fact blacks love his show.
Everyone has things that are open for humor. Stereotypes do not come out of nowhere FFS. It is about time we started poking fun at all of them.
I don't know if you know this, but white males and EVERYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET don't exactly have a level playing field. Makes certain jokes hard to laugh at "Ha, ha! Black people are currently reliving the Great Depression. Let's pretend we know what that's like & make fun of it!" I mean, come on. Bigotry and discrimination are still big problems and the only people who get to pretend otherwise are white people. It doesn't take balls to say what he says. I don't know what it takes, but balls don't figure into the equation. I know all you who disagree with me like to paint me as some freak with anger problems (I'm nowhere near a ledge, thanks) who has their undies in a bundle and constantly hurt feelings. Nope. I just don't like Daniel Tosh. And you all seem to have a whole lot more to say about that than me. I've restated my position many, many times on this thread. So I find it superfunny when people like you post replies. You clearly didn't read the whole thing, you say things that other posters have ALREADY SAID, but you still just HAVE to chime in! You're all frothed up & can't help it! So you make a post that defends racism & sexism, talk trash to someone you know nothing about, all the while trying to paint ME as the one who's out of control...yeah...good luck convincing anyone other than yourself.
so because, according to you, white males have it easier than everyone else...okay sure whatever you say, so because of that they can't make jokes about other races or the opposite gender?
I like to repeat myself? More like, I said my piece and the world at large (yourself included) just can't let it go. Did you miss the part of this thread where I said I'm moving on with my life? I know I have nothing new to say, but people like you need to keep checking or something.
The most ridiculous arguments from you people.... Is "logical fallacy" your middle name or something?
So according to you, when someone clicks "reply" on something I wrote - effectively talking to ME - I'm not supposed to say anything back? I'll repeat myself one more time (because I know you love that):
If you don't like my thread or the way I write, get off. Don't get all worked up because you said something to someone and they had the *nerve* to respond. Grow up.
I don't HAVE to do a lot of things. I never said I was "done with the thread" or that I "want it to die". Not once did I sniffle and ask everyone to please quit being so mean! Thanks for your concern, but I'm holding up just fine and reserve the right to defend myself and my opinions in the future. Also, I'm not trying to "make a case". I stated no facts! Just my own personal opinion. I've already said it before but what the heck? For funzies:
"I stated my intention pretty clearly and I don't recall mentioning "winning". Have I tried to goad anyone into agreeing with me? Nope. Just stated my own personal opinion."
Since you're too lazy to do your own reading, there's a direct copy-n-paste for ya from a post I made a long, long time ago. Only dbag morons who can't grasp the basics of debate & logic try to convince someone they're wrong about THEIR OWN OPINION. Facts can be wrong. Opinions cannot.
blacks or any other race for that matter say stuff about whites and we dont care.whites say stuff about blacks and other races and immediatly we are called racist.i dont get it.
Film-o-Phile wrote: "Facts can be wrong. Opinions cannot"
Ok, I promise I am not trying to pick a fight here, but I've got to say that I find a lot wrong with this statement. A fact is something that has been demonstrated or proven to be true. Facts are not wrong, by definition they cannot be. That is not to say that individuals are not often guilty of perpetuating mistaken facts; but it is important to remember that a mistaken fact is not a fact at all. Now, opinions............how can you say that opinions cannot be wrong??? There are people out there who continue to insist that the holocaust never happened, despite all of the indisputable evidence that it did. Are you able to honestly state that these holocaust deniers' opinion is not wrong?
Someone's opinion can totally be "wrong" in the sense that it's offensive or not based on fact. My previous statement was in response to other posters' seeming need for me to reverse my position. I was getting a lot of "you only feel that way because you're (humorless, angry, bitter, racist, coward, etc.)". Posters are approaching this thread like someone has to be declared the victor. I don't need people to agree with me so it really irritates me when people act like I need to agree with them or I'm (insert insult here).
If you don't want to pick fights then maybe in the future you should avoid taking statements not directed at you, yanking them out of context, asking to have them explained to you, and then going off on a tangent about the holocaust. I disagree with holocaust deniers. But since I'm not omnipotent, I don't get to declare them "wrong" in any meaningful sense.
Thanks anyway, but I'll have to pass. You forfeited your right to common courtesy when you decided to open with this:
"Well we would paint you as somebody who takes harmless jokes too seriously and likes to repeat yourself but you are already doing that. Pointing out that you are obviously just looking for something to bad mad at is all we have left."
Expecting others to maintain a level of decency that you don't hold yourself to is unrealistic. As you've seen, I'm perfectly capable of holding a polite conversation. And nice try, blaming me for what this thread has become. I'm pretty sure everyone on it is responsible, yourself included. If you don't want to be in a rude exchange, then don't start one (again I refer you to your original post).
Hey, you know what? You've tried to make things right at least two or three times now and I need to just let you. The problem I have with most people is their apathy. They don't think about or even CARE how their actions affect others. You may disagree with me on how seriously to take racist jokes, but you're obviously not one of those people so I'll stop treating you like one. If you're still cool with it, I think we can consider ourselves "truce-d".
i think i would have cringed if i had been watching one of his racist episodes with someone who was black. i wonder about the demographics of people who watch this. Is the audience mostly white?.....male?.... female...? what are the ages??
He makes some very misogynistic comments too. the blatant ones are just silly and don't phase me (as a woman) but when he starts calling fat women names its gets pretty annoying. If he made fun of a specifc fat woman - like rosie o donnell - i could care less. but calling an unknown overweight woman (who didn't ask to be filmed) a moose is just plain mean.
don't even get me started on Tosh making jokes about the guy with backwards knees walking on all fours - that was unforgiveable
Now when Tosh makes fun of people willingly doing stupid things - that's when he is at his best!! skateboarding accidents, the wrestling challenge, the Bob ross take-off, the latest workout craze (that was hysterical) those type of things crack me up
Also "wanting to give their opinions" and "hammering away at a single poster" are two different things. Quit acting like this is some polite discussion. Every person who's posted a reply has gone out of their way to personally insult me. I get to reply to that.
First of all, it's a joke. Secondly, his whole image is being a rich douche-bag white guy, it makes him funny because he's so absurdly a douche.
Why is it not okay for him to say something racist or against women when for one, black comedians and dare I say rappers, are the exact same way they just don't try to "joke" about it. Bitches and hoes, black guys wanting to be playas and pimps and all that? THAT'S not horrible to women? Yeah Daniel Tosh is the white devil and should be stopped immediately! G-Damn you are filled with white guilt aren't you?
I'm sorry but when black people are allowed to get on stage and say the most blatantly degrogatory things about white people but we aren't allowed to sling it back there is something wrong with this country. Plus words like n!gga have no power unless we give them such! Not to mention the fact that I have been attacked verbally and singled out by black people just for being white when all I was doing was sitting by myself at a movie or on a bus. I guess it's okay because slavery happened 100 years ago and we should all still be feeling sorry for them.
Grow the F up!
(and I really don't care if you get this post deleted like the little panty waste you are!)
You need to quit telling other grown folks what to do.
I didn't say he's the devil or that he needs to be stopped. Just that I don't think he's funny. Round of applause to you for failing to read before you act like you know everything! (total clueless-white-person thing to do, btw) Even though I've said it before, I'll go ahead and repeat it for the short bus kids just joining the discussion. HE'S NOT FUNNY ENOUGH. His comedic talent should limit him to poop and fart jokes, but he insists on acting like he has enough talent to tackle serious subjects. He doesn't. Check out Doug Stanhope. He does. And for the record, poster apstaddon went ahead and reported all the posts on this thread making it look like I'm talking to my efin' self. Notice I had nothing to say to them even though they're the only poster who agrees with me? Hm.
All I did is say that I don't think he's funny, and that puts you on the defense to the point that you need to run your mouth to strangers, call people names, defend racism, and generally act like a total dbag. You should get that looked at.
And btw, I really hope that one day you're able to realize that the black people who singled you out and attacked you didn't do it because they were black and you were white. They did it because they were AHOLES. Aholes come in all colors and they use all kinds of excuses to act like aholes - racism is merely a cover. I know of some pretty atrocious stuff done by white people but that doesn't mean all white people are bad. An alarming number of white people think it's okay to engage in oppressive behavior but hey - EVERYONE has room for improvement.
Yes, I totally agree with that, some people are just dicks, and racists happen to fall into that category. Dicks come in all shapes, sizes and colours, the only thing that bonds them together is the fact that they are dicks. Now, I understand that you feel that I had no right to comment on your statement concerning facts and opinions, but I have to respectfully disagree; this is a public message board and I have always been under the impression that one of its main purposes is to allow groups of people to discuss topics together. Was this thread only meant to be between you and one other poster? If so, my apologies. Also, you mentioned that I had gone on a tangent regarding the holocaust and the ridiculous people who continue to deny it. I used this as an example regarding opinions because I felt it was extreme and would be most effective in supporting my point.
Not at all. You are completely correct - this is a public thread & you have every right to say whatever you want. This probably won't come as a surprise, but I often approach this thread in fight mode. I'm accustomed to people wanting to argue and I overreacted a bit because I thought you were trying to be intentionally inflammatory with the holocaust stuff. Sorry!!!
Hey, no worries at all! I'm impressed and really happy that we were able to explain ourselves and converse maturely, even reaching a (somewhat) agreement. You are obviously a cool individual.
Me too. That was what I *actually* wanted when I started this thread! Everyone shares facts/opinions/comments and all those who bother to listen walk away a little bit smarter, consensus or no. When it happens, it's awesome and that's why I bother doing this at all (talking about topics that I know people get vicious over). So thanks! You seem like a pretty cool individual as well.
Kinda with the OP on this... too many people try to excuse blatantly racist and misogynistic humor by saying they're "pushing the envelope" and "being edgy" and that people need to "lighten up".... Family Guy does it too. I'm callin' the bluff. I'm tired of seeing all the progress American society made for decades and decades be treated like a cliche and flushed down the toilet by overprivileged, self-congratulatory douchebags going for easy, cheap laughs by appealing to people's lowest tendencies.
I think he's a pretty equal opportunity comic when it comes to singling out groups. He's made fun of women, gays, blacks, whites, Asians, people with disabilities, he's made his own sexuality questionable.
Granted his humour isn't for everyone, but he doesn't (in my eyes) consistently single out any particular group, and I think it's very important to note that. If he never made fun of a particular group, that's when I'd be concerned.
So, humour is subjective and different people find different things funny, and different people have different comfort levels for what should and shouldn't be considered funny.
Yes his humour is racist and misogynistic, but does that mean he is? No, he's simply catering to the audience that does find it funny, and likely he does too.
I respect the tastes of those who don't find him funny, and prefer to tune into Ridiculousness, because it's really almost the same show (to the point where they end up airing the same clips as Tosh.0, but that's a whole other story), except they keep the humour at a more respectable level and merely point out the stupidity of the individual. I like both shows, but definitely prefer Tosh's brand of humour when speaking about the clips.
"You're going to need a bigger boat." - Chief Brody
I totally agree! I even mentioned "Ridiculousness" earlier in the thread. I just don't agree with the "he targets all groups so none of us can be mad" logic. Does racism get mass numbers of white people incarcerated in record numbers for non-violent offenses (hello stop-and-frisk)? Nope. Are white people experiencing unemployment numbers that rival the great depression? Nope. Those things are happening to black people. Do men get blunt-object raped so hard they literally DIE because they had the audacity to want to go to the movies on a Sunday? Nope. Do teenage boys who pass out drunk get carried around from party to party basically getting gang-raped on film? Not that I've heard of. Those things sure do happen to women though. So saying that just because Tosh picks on everyone does in no way mean that the way his jokes/attitudes affect everyone is the same. The playing field we all live on is NOT even. Depending on our gender, skin color, country of origin and where we live, we experience this world and it's consequences in really different ways. And as I've said before, I don't know Daniel Tosh so I don't know or even care if he really agrees with the stuff he says on his show - I just think that he should be held accountable for the things he says because he DOES say them and accepts lots of money to do so.
So he's catering to a demographic that finds racism/misogyny/bigotry funny. Is that something you think he (or anyone) should be doing? His "humor" empowers those people by normalizing their hate. I'm pretty sure Matthew Sheppard and Jyoti Singh Pandey wouldn't think it's cool either.
Jyoti Singh Pandey is the woman who was blunt-object raped so hard on a bus in New Delhi, India a few weeks ago that she died of internal injuries. Btw, since I started this thread Tosh was doing a stand-up somewhere - he made a rape joke and a woman in the audience stood up and said she didn't think it was funny. His reply was something along the lines of "Wouldn't it be totally hilarious if she got gang-raped by like 5 dudes right now?" Kinda defeats the whole he-just-says-what-his-writers-tell-him-to argument, IMO.
Round of applause for the most recent genius who has failed to read the entire thread and make a comment that has already been posted & responded to multiple times. But hey, what the heck, I'm in a giving mood so here it is, yet again.
I'm aware that he "makes fun" of all different groups all the time. I just disagree with the logic that says all those different groups have the same ability to "take a joke". White men in the US are not beaten to death, road-hauled, have their civil rights violated/discriminated against on the daily, or gang-raped just for being white men. Those things do, however, happen to women and people of color quite often. When media figures make it seem like it's funny to target marginalized populations they normalize hatred and empower bigots. I'm by no means saying that bad things don't happen to white guys. They do. But the things that happen to white dudes aren't quite as hateful, systematic, and frequent as the effed up stuff that happens to women and people of color. You say I'm "conditioned to go into PC defense mode" over certain jokes. If you want to put it that way, fine. I have no problem copping to it: I really care about human rights. Guilty as charged. I don't like bullies. You, on the other hand, are conditioned to defend an oppressive, misogynistic, rape-culture contributing piece of garbage like Daniel Tosh. Why? He's rich, white, and male. He doesn't really need defending. Your protectiveness of him is both weird and totally unnecessary. But you keep on fighting the good fight; I'm sure it's the most worthwhile use of your time.
Any btw, I'm actually really flattered that you think I'm Canadian. :)
I never said that black people are the only recipients of racism. From personal experience, I know that's not true. I also know that you're the one lacking a fully-functioning brain because you're so busy frothing at the mouth you can't even formulate a logical argument. You can spend all the time you want thinking of names to call me or trying to hurt my feelings but you forget: I have to care about your opinion in order for any of that to work. But you go ahead and keep trying. A wow back at ya; I'm super impressed by your name-calling and control freakishness, mister "I will have your silence". It seems really easy to confuse you so let me be clear: all you have is my middle finger pointed at the sky, directed at your face. Go take a critical thinking skills class and maybe a how-to-read refresher course and get back to me. Otherwise, quit wasting my time.
"White men in the US are not beaten to death, road-hauled, have their civil rights violated/discriminated against on the daily, or gang-raped just for being white men. Those things do, however, happen to women and people of color quite often."
Are you sure about this guy? I have several websites that say otherwise. I will go so far as to say it happens MORE then the reverse. When you throw in the disparity in total numbers, its pretty obvious you are completely blind and/or misinformed.
Uh, yeah. I'm pretty sure that every information source I've ever encountered has not listed the white male as an oppressed group that is the target of hate crimes. If you have info to the contrary, link it. I'd love to see where you're getting this stuff from.
When is a "White Male" ever listed as a hate crime victim? They arent, so you are looking in the wrong place like I figured - however that doesnt stop many black on white crimes from happening. How about you google what happened at the WI state fair where roving bands of blacks were beating up white people and shouting "get whitey"? Then look for a report where these were classified as hate crimes - you wont find it.
Then you can look for a book called "White Girl Bleed Alot" on amazon - It's a whole book filled with these attacks that apparently never happen in whatever world you are living in.
Like I said, you are blind and/or woefully misinformed.
I'm definitely not saying that black on white violence doesn't happen. From personal experience, I know it certainly does. It's funny you should mention the WI State Fair incident; I'm very familiar with it. Milwaukee definitely has a problem with racism seeing as it's the most segregated city in the north. Yes, when mobs of black people target whites with violence it makes the news. Does it make the news every time black people are targeted in various ways by whites? Nope. No one has all day and night to read about the disproportionate sentencing black people get for drugs, stop-and-frisk laws, police brutality, etc. Hate crimes are a small part of the problem. I'm not just talking about violence here - I'm talking about OPPRESSION. Of the 535 voting members of the 113th Congress, 359 are white men. We have 42 black Representatives and ONE black Senator. Black people certainly do rob & beat up white people sometimes just because they are white. But to say that black people oppress white people is not only inaccurate, it makes YOU blind and/or woefully misinformed. The world is a dangerous place and we are all at risk to experience violence. Ask any black person who has a member of their family who was lynched. I don't want to make assumptions about your life experiences, but really - if you think taking a beating or getting robbed is the worst thing that can happen to a person you've had a good & lucky life.
Except it didnt really make the news, I didnt see it in NY. Imagine if the reverse happened - it would be on every news station in the US. The fact is, the reverse is VERY rare, especially given the amount of white and blacks in the US. When you do have the reverse, its news everywhere i.e. Trayvon Martin - even though Zimmerman was well within his rights to shoot him, you have "protest" marches against him. If you are real lucky you have riots like what happened in Brooklyn when the police shot a gang member who pulled a gun on them. I guess this is the "police brutality" you speak of? Stop and Frisk is another big thing here and I find it hilarious - when the majority of crime is committed by a certain demographic then they complain about being stopped and frisked the most. Hilarious. It's almost like a comedy skit.
Sorry the victim and race cards are overdrawn, have been for a long time. Black people are their own worst enemy. Then when called on it, cry "racist" and shout they are oppressed. Guess what, the silent majority mocks you behind your back, especially when complaining about a comedian who takes shots at everyone.
PS Black president PPS I have almost been attacked several times, my friends were mugged on the NY subway, and my cousin got his bike stolen when he was a kid riding in the park. Can you guess what color the perps were? I defy you to find "lynchings" that have happened within the last 20 years. The oppression only exists in your warped mind.
Hey man, think what you want. I can tell by the things you say that you've got some racist views of your own and they're so embedded into our culture that you don't even see them as racist. You think it's okay to judge a huge group of people based on the actions of a few. You think your experience is THE experience. All hail, Your Whiteness. I don't think Zimmerman was "well within his rights" to shoot Trayvon Martin, I think Zimmerman is a psycho coward who shot an unarmed child. I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't find stop & frisk hilarious if you were brown but whatever - like I said: think what you want. You know what I think is hilarious? The fact that you were "almost attacked" and your cousin got their bike stolen as a kid (who didn't, btw?) and those things scared you so much it got you to hate an entire group of people. Those things are what they call "champagne problems". You were not attacked and at least your cousin had a bike in the first place. Such whining. And oh my god! Someone got mugged in NY on the subway? The depravity! I've been mugged too and you know what? I totally lived. You can name-call all you want and tell me that I'm warped but at the end of the day, you're the one who has hateful small-minded views. I don't usually stoop to calling people names even when they've done it to me but I have to call it like I see it. I don't know you and I don't know your life but based on your comments on this thread, you are an ignorant coward and a racist. I care about your opinion as much as you care about mine: not at all. Anyone advocating for hatred and violence is not going to find a receptive audience in me, even if they tell themselves they're justified because someone else did it first. I hope you have fun being scared of everything...
Well your reply says its all. You use the "racist" buzzword again and I dont think it means what you think it means. You think all should bow to my "whiteness". I never said anywhere I hated all black people, or that I am better than anyone simply because I am white. What I hate is people like you who cry and complain about "racism" when given crime stats and, with the birth of the Internet, proof that by and large black people account for more crime and violence given their representation among all racial groups in the USA. Now, you can be a PC idiot, which has given rise to old ladies getting searched at airports because they might be terrorists, or be like a normal person and notice certain patterns emerging. Then you get indignant when you get called out and evidence is presented to you. You cant really refute it so you go back to the playbook and pull out the words "racist" or "ignorant" like they have any meaning anymore. Then I gave 3 personal examples of criminal acts perpetrated by your favorite protected class which you naturally laugh off and call "champagne problems" like theft is to be expected. I never said these were horrendous attacks, just my personal experiences. If you want something more violent to suit your bloodlust I dont have it, but I am sure a quick search on youtube can give you what you want.
By the way the "unarmed child" you speak of was 6'2" and was pounding his head into the pavement, but don't let that get into the way of your "I'm a poor victim" narrative.
Like I said, people snicker behind your back about your crying of about a comedian while meanwhile black gangmembers are killing themselves and other people in record numbers in Chicago. If you are so oppressed you can move to high black population areas that I hear are lovely places. Try Detroit, or if you want a more tropical environment, how about Haiti?
Oooooh, shiver - call me more names it might hurt my feelings. We both have our minds made up so you should probably just drop it. I don't think I'm going to change your mind and you're definitely not going to change mine so you should probably stop wasting your time. NEXT!
So now you're not allowed to run when some random dude wants to shoot you? Hm. News to me. You're right - the little racist thoughts most people think aren't harmful but the ones employers, judges, and cops have definitely are. And nice try - I don't need anyone to tell me I'm not a monster and I'm very well aware that being called on racist thoughts/behavior isn't some "devastating blow". That's the problem. It's totally okay to say & do effed up stuff to certain people because of their gender or skin color and I think that's wrong. If you want to call me prejudiced for that, fine. Laugh at other people's pain and and tell yourself I'm the one who needs comforting because what's in my head is scary. *snicker* Whatever helps you sleep at night.
"So now you're not allowed to run when some random dude wants to shoot you? Hm"
LOL. You obviously know nothing about how it went down. You automatically side with Martin, which basically just confirms your bias. But that would only be "racist" when a white person does it, am I right? The double standards are why people are laughing at you, so you can say "der ur not gonna change my mind" and just wallow in your ignorance, but dont post about. If you do dont get angry when you get called on it.
You have the right to your opinions just like I have the right to mine. If you don't like what I have to say just stop reading it. Simple as that. Go start your own thread. You can call it "delusional people who want to blow Daniel Tosh". You wouldn't know moral superiority if it was staring you in the face anyway. *blink blink*
I enjoy racist jokes, because I don't have to experience it. With things such as title 9, affirmative action, minority colleges, minority scholarships, standardized testing having lowered standards to accommodate minority school systems, lowered physical requirements for military and police to accommodate females...ETC. All of this, and I, as a white male, still have the advantage in life. I like the system. I am sure you can find something to clean or cook, instead of watching TV and playing on the internet. You won't have to hear the jokes if you are doing the dishes. This stop and frisk mess you are talking about is called a "Terry Stop", and the US Supreme Court says that it can be done without probable cause. I learned that with the education that I had to pay for myself...
med's ok ..med's ! tell your doctor, go in and say M E D Z He'll know what you mean and take care of you ok
I couldn't care less about splitting hairs or symnatecs. I consider myself a well adjusted normal male and yet i find Daniel's comedy VERY funny and if you do not i suggest you carry on with life. His style is not unusual, take for example the stand up comedy special from Andrew Dice Clay that aired like 2 months ago.. same kinda stuff.
And i will laugh hard all the time for his show on all the jokes and you know what ? sometimes i am the butt of the joke and yes it is still funny and i laugh. i have no problems laughing at myself, there is always a lining of truth in there ;)
And by the way i would advise you do run when someone is going to shoot you. Who ever told you you shouldn't ? Be careful taking advice on the internet because i think someone must have been having fun with you.