Only flaw: played too straight.
I like this movie a lot, but it narrowly falls short of perfection. The only thing which prevents it from reaching a level of greatness is that the actors played it too straight-faced. A few over the top campy performances would have made this film an instant cult classic and attracted a wider appeal. Famke Janssen (channeling Michelle Pfeiffer from Stardust or numerous similar beautiful wicked witches) understood this and Peter Stormare did too for his short role (which is the same over the top psychopath he always plays), but most of the other actors didn't. Although Hansel & Gretel have some good one liners, the delivery seemed forced. Gemma Arterton should have watched Sarah M. Gellar's Buffy shows as a template on how to act this kind of scene, and Jeremy Renner could have used Bruce Campbell's Ash (of Evil Dead/Army of Darkness) or David Boreanaz' Angel (one of Buffy's mentors) for the same purpose.