Porn is not evil
Porn is not good for anyone just like alcohol, marijuana, and gambling are not good for anyone, but just like with those things, the vast majority of adults can enjoy porn now and then and be just fine.
As for the people that make it, the porn industry has damaged some lives, mostly of ALREADY very damaged people like Linda Lovelace. But there are also some former porn stars who seem to have no regrets or even are quite proud of their porn past. But most have simply been content to leave it behind and not write some hysterical, mytho-maniacal "feminist" book about how the devil--or Chuck Traynor--made them do it.
No one wants their daughter (or son) to grow up to be a porn star, but is that because it's really such an awful thing to be, OR, ironically, is it because of the societal stigma associated with porn? Is it the fault of the porn industry that "Christian" parents and communities disown their porn star daughters? Is it the fault of porn that a hypocritical, sex-obsessed American society won't hire former porn stars as teachers, nurses, etc. even as they make the industry into a multi-billion dollar business?
I don't think the porn industry has hurt porn stars nearly as much the societal judgment that has really been fanned by the hypocrites and liars like Linda Lovelace. Why make movies about people like her or John Holmes, who would have been human train wrecks with or without porn, and not, say, Annie Sprinkle or Sharon Mitchell who surmounted their personal demons without becoming professional "victims"--or even someone like Tera Patrick or Jenna Jameson who just seem to be completely normal people?