How exactly does porn 'degrade women' (in general)?
People always saying this, but I don't know why.
If you're not a complete moron or a completely inexperienced male virgin with no female relatives, you would no doubt realize that the female "characters" in porn have NOTHING to do with real women. You may as well complain to the ASPCA that "Roadrunner" cartoons are degrading to and promote violence against coyotes
Actually, most porn stars today don't even play characters, but make no pretense of being anything other than unsuccessful and untalented actresses who make large sums of money by undergoing unnecessary plastic surgery so they can pathetically try to act out pathetic male sex fantasies. It's certainly degrading to THEM (but then they're well paid for their degradation), but it's also pretty degrading for the male porn addicts of limited imagination who pay money to watch that crap. But it really has no effect on WOMEN or MEN as a whole. It's not degrading to ME that some MEN choose to work in the sewers, shoveling *beep*
Does porn make men hate women in real life? Who knows? Do violent action movies make people want to shoot hundreds of "bad guys"? Do rom-coms make women fall in love with strange men because they happen to encounter them in some ridiculous "meet cute" situation and can't initially stand them? You ask questions like that you're heading down the rabbit hole and pulling the hole in with you. . .